◌ Forty Three ◌

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A/N: There are going to be a ton of song references in this next chapter so whenever you see one, comment the song!


They broke away instantly. Standing there was the one and only Dallon Weekes.

"Dallon what are you doing here?" Frank asked tiredly.

 "You guys are a couple?" Dallon said quietly.

"Not officially." Frank said sheepishly. "This guy here won't ask me out yet." he pointed his thumb at Gerard.

"Hey we've talked about this yet! Soon, but not yet. It's not a good time for either of us right now. You know that." Gerard said, earning a sigh from Frank.

"Sorry for interrupting." Dallon said. "I just wanted to know if I could watch you guys sing Destroya."

"Are you kidding me Dallon? Definitely not." Gerard said, smashing his face in a pillow, reliving his embarrassment.

"Sure Dallon, maybe some other time." Frank said, desperate for Dallon to leave. "We're pretty tired."

"I bet you are! You guys were singing Destroya all night practically!" Dallon said before leaving.

Dallon had one more stop to make before settling into bed. Brendon's room. He cautiously knocked on the door. Nothing. Either Brendon was ignoring him or he wasn't in his room. He figured he should ask Ryan where Brendon was. After all, he needed to speak with Ryan too. He approached Ryan's room and knocked. He learned a very valuable lesson in the importance of knocking. Although it seemed he didn't need to knock because Ryan quickly answered and told him to come in. He opened the door to find Ryan and Brendon laying next to each other. They both sat up when they saw him.

"Dallon if this is what I think it is, the answer is no. And Ryan already knows about it all." Brendon said politely.

"That's not why I'm here." Dallon said. "Well, it kind of is. I'm here to deeply apologize. I am so so sorry for my actions earlier. What I did was wrong and it was horrible of me to come between a married couple in the way I did. I have never done this before and frankly I'm not sure what happened. I won't ever forget what I did, I feel tremendous guilt and regret. Ryan, I am so sorry. And I'm sorry to you too Brendon."

"It's okay Dallon, you don't need to say sorry to me." Brendon assured. "You didn't take advantage of me in any way. It was both of us who made the bad choice. Mainly me actually, I should have said no."

"I'm not mad about it, Dallon." Ryan said. "We're not perfect. We've all made bad mistakes before but I love Brendon too much to let this come between us. But you two better swear on your life that it will never, ever-"

"Ever happen again." Dallon finished.

"Ever." Brendon agreed.

Brutal Insult War Time

Here it is. They day of the Brutal Insult War. The day of the last challenge. Potentially the last day on the island. Everybody was somewhat prepared (except Mikey who didn't practice at all really). Billie Joe arrived at the house at 4:00 sharp. He was ready to start the war. Two podiums were going to be set up. The war was to be calm and orderly. If anybody tried to get in a physical  fight, they would be disqualified instantly.

"Here is a refresher on the rules for those of you who forgot. Ahem, I'm talking to you Brendon and Pete so listen up please. Hopefully you came up with insults to use against your opponents.  All of the insults have be song lyrics or else you are disqualified. All Time Low here are going to be referees. If something is wrong with an insult they'll let you know. The round will be over when somebody surrenders. Now follow me outside. I'm going to build the stadium where the Brutal Insult War will begin."

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