Chapter 5 - Journey Home

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Elsa woke, weak, sick and actually freezing from a short, dreamless sleep. She found herself in desperate need or warmth, but she didn't know how.

Without thinking, the Queen slid herself in a spoon with Hans. She'd lifted his arm, as to not wake him, and slid into his curled up body.

"What are you doing?!" Hans shouted, waking up. He shoved Elsa hard away from him.

"Oww! No need for that!" Elsa shouted. "We need to know what we're going to do. We don't know where we are. It is your fault we are here, fix this!"

Hans got up and lready began to boil. He hated the Queen and wanted to kill her so badly. Elsa, unsurprisingly felt the same way.

Elsa felt the heat in the room drastically rise. Hans' face had gone red in rage. Elsa grinned, pushing Hans closer to exploding. She laughed at him, intending on making the prince rage, to hurt him. She enjoyed seeing him in this state.

Hans couldn't take it anymore. He jumped into action. He pinned the slim Queen down on to the dark, wooden floor.

"Hans, get off! Don't hurt me!" Elsa pleaded, regretting what she did to annoy him.

Hans saw no mercy. He began to conjure a perfect, evil flame at the end of his finger. He wrapped his strong hand around Elsa's fragile neck, choking her.

"Please! Stop Hans!" Elsa pleaded even more, scared that he'd choke her to death. She began to feel faint, coughing and spluttering a lot. Pleading was now pointless because he wouldn't move at all.

Elsa began to try to push herself in a sitting position. Hans continued choking her, his hands rapidly tightening around her fragile neck. Elsa was running out of time. Hans was very strong and was easily keeping her pinned and choked. With one unexpected shove, Elsa sat up. Without thinking, Elsa wrapped her shaking arms around Hans for protection, as if he was someone who could rescue her from the evil Prince Hans.

Although she was fully aware of what she was doing, she continued to hold Hans, who had chosen to not do anything. She began to cry and bury her head in his chest, neck throbbing in pain.

"Stop crying," Hans said, unsure of what else he could say.

Elsa looked at him, annoyed for a second, then she continued crying.

"Elsa..." Hans spoke, but didn't finish his sentence.

"Queen Elsa?! Are you here?" boomed a voice. It was a guard from Arendelle.. and Princess Anna beside him.

"Prince Hans! Seize him!" she squeaked, shocked by him being there. Fortunately, Elsa had unravelled herself from Hans before the guard and Anna saw, so it was as if nothing had happened.

"Oh Elsa, I was so worried! I'd heard you'd disappeared and so I dreaded the worst - so I set off in a ship for the Southern Isles. We talked to the royal family, and two of the princes, David and Richard, knew of your locations. We had to search nearly half this massive forest!" Anna said, hugging Elsa tightly.

As Anna cried in joy of seeing her sister, Elsa noticed Hans beside her, being shackled by the guard. Everyone stepped outside, the two guards who had helped her chase Hans previously were there. Also, there were three horses - white, brown and black - lined up, each connected to a cab. One for Anna and Elsa, one for two guards and another for the final guard, who would now be accompanied by Prince Hans.

As the three cabs made their way to the docks in the Southern Isles, Anna questioned Elsa about everything.

"How did you get here?"

"Why were you with him?!"

"Do you know why only David and Richard knew of your location?"

Elsa told Anna everythingg. She raged as she imagined Hans imprisoning and harming her only close family member. She raged just as equally when she thought about David and Richard knocking her out and throwing her in a forest.

They arrived in a kingdom just outside Arendelle, meaning only an hour journey remaining. Elsa had fallen asleep, and was the only one who had.

"Elsa, wake up!" Anna shouted, sounded urgent.

"Waa... what?" Elsa moaned groggily, rubbing her eyes and sitting up.

"What the...?" Elsa said shocked, seeing what was happened outside their cab.

They were being mugged and captured. The guards tried hard but failed at protecting the people inside the cabs.

"Elsa, get out! Quick!" Anna shouted, jumping out of the cab. Elsa didn't react quick enough, though.

"Haha!" laughed a man's voice, of whom she did not recognise. Elsa was being trailed away by a gang of strange, cruel men.

"Elsa!" Anna shouted, trying but failing to chase the quickly-moving cab. The guards tried also but failed.

"Hans, you go and get her," forced a guard, making the other guards and Anna nod in agreement. It was the guard who'd previously been accompanied by Hans in the cab.

"What? You really think I'd do anything for you idiots?!" Hans moaned, sounding a little bit immature.

"We have been planning on hanging you. If you save Elsa, we'll let you live," said Anna, trying to keep her royal authority in the face of her greatest nemesis.

Hans moaned again and set off to find Elsa.

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