Chapter 8 - Hans' New Room

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Hans was sat in his cell. His new punishment was completely forgotton about and Elsa had not visited him in almost two months. He was hardly ever because the guards disliked him for his evil deeds, but he was washed and shaved because the guards didn't want a horrid smell to fill the dungeons.

Hans had left patches of ash all over his cell due to anger from throwing fireballs around the room. Whenever he thought of Elsa, he wanted to burn everything in his path. Burn away everything that was stopping him from becoming king. Especially Elsa.

"Hans?" a recognisable voice spoke from around the corner. Hans tensed up, feeling the room rise in temperature unnaturally quickly. Small flames began to grow in his hands.

"Calm down, Hans, it is just me," Elsa spoke, not being any more or less helpful or reassuring. Hans only continued to rage inside, knowing he'd burst soon at the woman he hated.

He clenched his fists together, his facial expression showing clearly how much he wanted Elsa dead. If only Anna hadn't froze in his way, he could be happily ruling Arendelle. 

To his amazement, Elsa had lightly put her hands on his, holding them. The temperature of the room began to fall back to room temperature and the flames in his hands disappeared.

"Hans, I am sorry I left you here. You look so unwell. Look, this took a lot to decide but I think you should live up in the castle, but still as a servant. I feel so bad," Elsa said, making Hans calm completely, although he still severely disliked her.

"Thank you," Hans replied, nodding formally at Elsa.

Elsa intertwined her fingers around his, directing him outside of the cell into the main castle. The staff look shocked to see the evil Prince Hans walking around the castle holding the Queen's hand, but the Queen explained to each and every one of them what was going on.

"Here is your room," Elsa said, stopping herself and Hans in front of a white door, decorated with green and blue tulip-like flowers. They stepped inside. It was amazing. The bed was neatly and freshly laid with icy blue covers and matching pillows. On the wall left of the bed was a painting of the castle and parts of Arendelle around it, framed with gold. There were two pale blue dressers, decorated beautifully with gold handles. The floor was decorated with a beautiful rug, with flowers of an unfeminine nature decorating it. Through a small, white door was an en suite bathroom. The bath was white and hardly used. It had four golden feet holding it up. Hans thanked Elsa many times, amazed at what she'd let him have, even after trying to kill her and her sister.

Hans began to feel weak. He hadn't eaten properly in weeks and knew that he could die. Without thinking, he grasped on to Elsa. She could see the illness in his eyes, the desperation as he clung on to her. She felt the pull of Hans disappear as he collapsed on to the floor, weak. His body had fell gravely cold, his face turning pale.

"Help! Quick!" Elsa called down the halls. Two servants arrived at the door of Hans' new room, shocked at the unconscious man lying on the floor.

"Take him to the hospital wards quickly!" Elsa said.

The two servants nodded and one set off to find a stretcher. They arrived hardly minutes later. They pulled Hans, with the help of Elsa, on to the stretcher and quickly transported him to the hospital ward.


It had been a few day since Hans had collapsed and Elsa had not been allowed to see him.

"Queen Elsa!" a voice called from down the hall.

Elsa turned, seeing only a negative expression on Gerda's face.

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