Chapter 16 - Something Unexpected

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Elsa laughed, mocking his quote.

Hans grew angry. He felt flames build up in his hands, but Elsa didn't notice. She continued laughing at him, pointing, sneering, smirking. It reminded him of his evil brothers. Hans headed straight for Elsa, who was turned away from him. He intended on killing her once and for all. He pulled her, twisted her around, his fist readied to knock her out with burning fire. Elsa turned, seeing the fist, the fire, the anger in his face. She just grinned, slapping his cheek.

Hans growled at the horrid, evil Queen. He punched in her direction.

"Oww," droaned the Queen sarcastically, rolling her eyes at Hans who'd punched the air beside her. "Well done, you've knocked me out." Elsa continued, pretending to fall back. Unfortunately, Elsa tripped right back and fell on to the floor, hitting her head hard. She was very vulnerable at this moment and Hans quickly seized this opportunity and went straight for her. She looked away.


Elsa's arm was stuck out, a cold sensation flowing through he hand that even she could feel. She looked up. Hans was falling, weak, to the ground, clutching his chest. She flashed back to when she struck Anna's heart. Now she'd done it again, but to someone she hated.

Or did she? 

Hans collapsed weakly on to the floor. She noticed how frosted the area was around him. She'd struck him with more force than she did to Anna. His hair was already going white, his jaw beginning to frost over. She let him freeze to death, not intending on saving him.

She watched him, smirking, as he began to freeze to death in front of her eyes. Hans couldn't use his powers any more because the cold was his main weakness.

"Love will thaw a frozen heart, yes Hans?" Elsa said, laughing. "Well, one, nobody loves you and never will love you, and two, you don't even know how to feel love."

Hans winced as he felt a surge of cold build in his heart. Tears fell from his eyes as everything began to blur. This was it he thought. He fell, on his back, half-unconscious. He was aware of what was happening but couldn't do anything, just lie there and slowly die.

"Oh Hans!" he heard Elsa's voice from across the room. He didn't move his head to look at her, just continued to lay there still. His eyes were closed. He felt a strange warmth spread through his body, although he was freezing. He felt the frost covering his skin, he was aware that his hair was going white.

He suddenly felt something soft on his lips.

"Elsa!" Hans scream-whispered, opening his eyes to Elsa, who had her eyes closed. She ignored him and continued to kiss him. He felt a warmth in his body. He wrapped his arms around Elsa's slim body and fell deeply into the kiss. They both knew that they were enjoying this, no matter how much they hated each other. They felt like it lasted forever, until Elsa pulled away for breath.

She just lay silently on his chest, enjoying the comfort of cuddling with him. Suddenly, she noticed something.

"Hans?" Elsa whispered.

He felt the frost slither away on his skin. Elsa witnessed his hair reverting to the original auburn colour. She stroked his face, his hair, so glad to see that he was still safe and alive.

If the kiss healed him, then does that mean?


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