Chapter 7 - A New Punishment for Hans

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"Ahh!!" Elsa screamed. The guards were on their break and they had relied on the shackles being enough for a short period of time. Elsa darted for the iron door but Hans stepped in front of it. Elsa tried squeezing through the gap between the iron bars, almost succeeding but pulled out angrily by Hans. He snatched the key out of Elsa's hand and, with a small struggle, unlocked the shackles.

"Arghh!" Elsa screamed, shooting shardes of sharp ice in Hans' general direction. They all missed except two, which temporarily pinned him against the wall. Hans struggled, almost escaping them, but Elsa had already escaped.

"Guards! Guards!" Elsa cried. Two guards, one tall with brown hair and one smaller with ginger hair quickly sprinted down the corridors and stairs to the dungeons of the castle.

"Yes, your majesty?" the ginger one said, giving a queue for them both to bow in respect.

"Hans' shackles have come off, could you find out what the top ones I can buy are? I really need Hans under control or we'll have to... you know..." Elsa said.

"Yes, your majesty. We'll see to it right away that the most high quality, up-to-date shackles are found," the ginger one said. It was cleae the brown-haired one was nervous.

"Also, don't feel nervous," Elsa smiled at the brown-haired one, lightly patting him on the back. He smiled back in appreciation.

Elsa felt very uncomfortable to leave Hans alone, unguarded. Guards were usually not around Hans during the day because the likelihood of a successful escape increased at night. Elsa understood that guarding all around the clock would be a stressful job. Elsa sat at a chair directly outside Hans' cell, reading a book. Hans gave occasional evil stares at Elsa, so wishing he could wrap his hands tightly around her neck.

"Grrr..." snarled Hans, kicking the wall with his bare foot. He was clearly in pain but tried not to show it. Elsa laughed hysterically, annoying him a lot.

"Ma'am, shackles," the ginger guard entered, holding a brand new pair of shackles, similar to that of what Elsa wore when she was in prison in this castle, only much better.

"May I shackle him?" Elsa asked. The guard nodded and gave Elsa the necessary equipment to sort out the shackles. The guard left Elsa alone in the dungeons with Hans.

"So, now to give you a taster of what it was like. These shackles are a lot like the ones you put me in. Now your turn," Elsa laughed. She entered Hans' cell, with him completely unshackled. It had confused her on why he hadn't shot fire at her through the gaps of the cell's iron bars. Thens he realised how defeated Hans looked, sat on the bed. He let Elsa shackle him, not even attempting to fight back.

"Hans..." Elsa said, kneeling in front of him.

"Why... why wont you stop being horrid to me? Teasing me, mocking me!? You aren't being imprisoned for life in supershackles. You aren't in full regret of your actions..." Hans trailed off. He realised what he had said.

"You imprisoned me, and planned on beheading me! And you let Anna die! Of course I regret the things I've done to Anna!" Elsa shouted.

"I'm... sorry..." Hans said.

"You should be..." Elsa replied. She wanted Hans hurt. But she felt pity for him, no matter how much she tried fighting it.

"Look, I will occasionally allow you out of your cell. No, actually, I am upgrading you to a castle servant without pay, for life. But any trouble and..." Elsa said to him, hoping she wouldn't later regret this.

"Thank you, thank you so much," Hans said. He attempted to hug her to show his thanks, but was drawn back by the shackles.

"Oh," said Hans, disappointed. He hung his head and arms in a depressed manner, about to turn away from Elsa. Elsa saw this and put her hand on his shoulder. She nodded but didn't give him even a trace of a hug. She unlocked his chains and shackles and took him out of the dungeon to the main castle.

"Excuse me, Queen Elsa, but a dangerous criminal is behind you," the brown-haired guard spoke, happy that he'd finally spoke to Elsa.

"I know. Tell all the staff that Prince Hans is working as a free servant now as punishment," Elsa said, nodding in appreciation at the guard's courage.

"Hans, I think maybe you should stay in your cell. The deal with you being a servant will still be continued, though," Elsa said, seeing Hans' expression drop. Hans despised that cell a lot.

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