Chapter 3 - Into the Wilderness

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Hans awoke at just before midnight in the middle of a dense forest. He needed to find somewhere safe before wolves or bears came out to attack him. Elsa lay beside him, still unconscious. He saw a bleeding cut on her forehead.

Then he realised.

"My brothers must have knocked her out too! She must have awoke when we were being transported here!" Hans whispered to himself.


"We better hurry up and get these two to the forest before the sun sets. You know dad gets annoyed when we are anywhere near the forest at night," Richard, one of Hans' brothers said to David, another of Hans' brothers.

David carted the horse that transported a large, Victorian-style cab round the last of the streets in the main area of the Southern Isles. After these streets, they would kead straight into the forest, which bridged between the Northern and Southern Isles.

"Who do y'reckon that the lady is that Hans had in his lap?" David asked Richard, looking at the unconscious woman in the cab.

"Not sure. I have never seen a woman like that before, she looks quite wealthy for a woman hanging out with a cast-out prince," Richard replied, giggling a little at the nasty remark he made about Hans.

Suddenly, there was movement in the small, black cab behind them. The woman that was unidentified sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"What is going on?! Why am I here!?" she questioned, panicking.

The brothers knew they had to knock her about before she began screaming for help, attracting locals. They stopped the cab in a clear alleyway.

"Come here, little lady," smirked Richard, picking a large, pointy rock from the floor and nearing to the woman.

"I am Elsa, the Queen of Arendelle! I demand you take me to my home at once!" the woman spoke, trying to maintain her authority as a Queen. This didn't work though, Richard neared and neared, holding the rock in a threatening way. David was holding her arms in an awkward position, making her powers only able to shoot on the floor.

"Why is there ice on the floor?" David said, nearly slipping and losing grip of the struggling Queen. They saw she was creating the ice and immediately, Richard threw the rock towards her. It hit her forehead and she collapsed, dispursing ice all around her.


Although the Queen was immune to cold, she shivered. Her weakness had begun to ruin even her immunity to the cold. Hans knew he'd have to fnd himself a hidden cave to survive, but he couldn't help but stare at the Queen. Why wouldn't he leave her to die alone? He couldn't fight it, he grabbed the Queen in his arms and went in search for somewhere safe.

After fifteen minutes of searching, Hans came across a small cave hidden amongst trees and bushes. He filled the cave with leaves to create a somewhat comfortable place to sleep. He moved Elsa on top of the leaf bed.

He began to grow very tired. He slept in the only other space in the cave - directly next to Elsa. He faced away from the Queen as he drifted off to sleep. Just as he was about to fall completely to sleep, an arm stretched over him. Too tired to check what was going on, he fell asleep...

He had a short, unsatisfying sleep, He awoke very early, a small, thin figure spooned within his body. As he realised what was going on, the Queen awoke.

"Ahh!" they both screamed, instantly backing away from each other.

"Why were we in that position?!" Elsa screamed.

"Elsa, calm down. We must stay quiet if there's ravenous wolves roaming the area," Hans shushed Elsa.

"Okay, but one question  how did you get us out of the crevasse and then me in chains?" Elsa whispered, looking rather puzzled.

Hans told Elsa everything. He'd melted snow in holes at the side of the crevasse and rock-climbing out - only just - with the Queen on his back. He then went back to Arendelle, stole a boat and sailed to the Southern Isles. It took a good few days and Hans had to keep knocking Elsa out. He had to sneak Elsa into a prison cell so his hateful brothers (who'd banished him to Arendelle) wouldn't spot him. Miraculously, he completed all of these tasks, but ran out of luck when two of his brothers (Richard and David) had barged into the cell.

"What werre you going to do with me?" Elsa whispered, dreading the answer.

"Run off and let my brothers deal with you. They always practically torture prisoners. Don't get me started on wgar they've done to female prisoners..." Hans spoke, embarrassed to admit his backfired plan.

Just then, it began to snow. Elsa's immunity was fully restored after rest but Hans began to shiver. He quickly ran into the cave and started a fire with a flash of his hand.

"Now I have a chance, come here, Elsa," whispered Hans deviously.

"Hans! What are you doing?!" Elsa shouted, as a flame almost hit her. Hans wanted to finish his plan - to kill that stupid Queen. If he wasn't going to get the throne, he could at least kill the Queen who had it.

Elsa backed into the corner of the cave and curled up into a little ball, fearing for her life. Hans had set her dress on fire again and it began to burn up her  legs. She quickly created some ice which was melted by Hans' fire and put the fire out. Now she was in charge...

"Why are you trying to kill me!? We are both in the middle of a forest! Do you really think you could survive alone for long?!" Elsa screamed, hauling spikes of deadly ice towards Hans. He was running, an angry Snow Queen on his tail. She created a tall ring of spoked ice around him. She, like back in her Ice Palace, walked over to him sexily, with a sassy smirk on her face. She repaired her dress with a single flick of her hands.

"This is your final goodbye, my friend," she grinned, shooting a fatal last blow of an ice spike in his direction.

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