// eleven //

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'Sometimes, your total obliviousness just blows my mind.' - Dustin Henderson

"So he really said that, huh?" Jesse asks quizzically as he bends over one of the diner's many tables, scrubbing away. The neon lights cast strange shadows on his face and I find myself staring at him for an uncomfortably long time.

"Yes, he did." I say, frowning slightly. "This has been great Coleman but it's never going to work out. It's better if we stop whatever this is now so that your precious heart isn't broken later." I sneer, doing my best to mimic the unbelievably attractive voice of Billy Hargrove as he rejected me. 

I should have seen it coming, I really should have. But I'd been so blinded by my newfound feelings for him that I'd finally let someone other than Steve into my heart, only to have him throw my feelings right back into my face. 

Jesse finished cleaning the table he was at and walked over to where I was sitting on one of the aged, red stools by the bar, staring out at the street lights beyond the dirty windows of the diner. It was well past closing time but Jesse had been kind enough to stay behind and listen to me rant about my guy problems.

Jesse raked a hand through his soft, blonde hair as he sat beside me, offering a sad smile. "Not to be blunt Andie, but he sounds like an asshole to me. What is it that you see in him?"

I took a few moments to consider his question before I answered him. Why did I like Billy Hargrove? Was it simply his good looks? Or was it more? Maybe it was the understanding in his eyes whenever I spoke about Jim, or the looks he gave me when he thought I wasn't looking. Maybe it was the quiet concern that he always seemed to have when it came to me and my safety. 

Maybe it was the feeling of comfort I felt whenever I was with him, or maybe it was the way he seemed to be able to tell exactly what I was thinking even when I couldn't. Or maybe it was the simple fact that he had cared when others hadn't even thought to ask if I was okay.

Sure, he'd been a complete dick to me on multiple occasions but the more time I spend with him the more I begin to see that the anger and the bad behaviour is an armour that he wears to protect himself from the outside world. He and I are more alike than I care to admit. Whether he knows all this or not is a completely different story. 

As I ponder all of this, my mind wanders back to Monday night only a short week ago...

My arms curl around his neck as I tug him closer, his lips still pressed against mine. I sit up slightly and detach myself from his lips only so that I can climb into his lap and straddle his waist as he lies back against the Camaro. 

One of his hands tangles in my hair and the other stays in surprisingly neutral ground on my lower back. He leans up to deepen the kiss and I moan softly into his mouth, biting his bottom lip. 

Suddenly there's too much clothing between us and I can't tug his brown jacket off fast enough. I undo the buttons of his red shirt next and use this opportunity to run my hands across his chest, remembering how it had felt coated in a combination of sweat and beer. 

Our kiss at the halloween party had been enjoyable but this very much sober kiss was mind blowing. I let Billy tug off my leather jacket and a giggle escaped my lips. I was so focused on Billy's lips that it hadn't even occurred to me to notice that I never giggled. 

My shirt came off soon after and Billy used this moment to flip us over so that he was holding his body above my own. He pulls away from my lips to press his gently against my neck as he trails kisses to just above my bra line.

He focused all of his efforts on sucking and nibbling one spot for an achingly long amount of time as I gripped his bare shoulders tight enough to leave my handprints upon his skin. But all at once, everything seemed to stop. 

𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 [Stranger Things x Billy Hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now