// twenty // - END OF PART I

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"This is a groundbreaking scientific discovery. We can't just bury it like some common mammal, okay?" —Dustin

Billy and I try to keep to ourselves, curled up on the Byer's couch, limbs entangled as the many teary eyed reunions continue. The two of us have always been outsiders in our own special ways our entire lives and nothing has changed in that regard, but here in this moment, we're in it together.

I'm sure that there are still many details that our strange new group of... friends, are keeping from us but as long as this whole ordeal is over soon, I'm okay with that. I would love nothing more than to forget this ever happened but at this point I feel too involved to just walk away and let them deal with this alone.

I don't expect the strange girl who saved all of our lives to approach Billy and I but she surprises us both when she walks over slowly until she is standing before us, wearing a calculated blank face.

"Hi," is all she says.

I rise to my feet quickly, dragging Billy with me and ignoring is groan of annoyance.

"Hi," I say with a smile. "I'm Andie, and this is Billy. You must be this 'Elle,' that the boys speak so fondly of."

The unusual girl manages the smallest of smiles and nods quickly. But then she turns to meet Billy's eyes and I almost snort out loud at his uncomfortable expression. "Thank you for keeping my friends safe, they told me about the junkyard. So.. thank you."

Billy hesitates and I assume that he's not used to being thanked and is unsure how to respond but he lifts the corners of his mouth slightly and offers Elle a small smile, "Don't mention it, kid. It was nothing."

Before the awkward conversation can continue for any longer, Hopper calls everyone into the kitchen so that we can decide on our plan of action. Everyone quickly assembles around the kitchen table.

The sheriff seems incredibly on edge, nervous even. And the fact that he is so anxious seems to effect the entire mood of the room. I gaze out the window as he begins to speak, intrigued by the fog that has begun to form, wrapping out the house like a misty, white cage.

"It's not like before -- it's grown... a lot," Hopper starts. "And that's even if we get in there, that lab is crawling with those dogs-"

"-Demo-dogs," Dustin interrupts suddenly. Does this boy ever know when to shut up?


"Demo-dogs. Demogorgon dogs. Demo-dogs-"

"How is this important right now?" Hopper is obviously frustrated by Dustin's remarks and I can see where he's coming from.

"I can do it." Eleven interjects before tensions between the sheriff and the boy can rise. Everyone turns to gape at the girl at her confident words.

I zone out as the people around us continue to argue, sensing that nobody truly needs my help here and I find myself wandering out of the kitchen and collapsing onto the couch, yet again. Billy follows me of course and I close my eyes, leaning into him as the sound of raised voices just barely reaches our ears.

It's not long before everyone splits up again, finally with a somewhat solid plan of attack. Billy and I are instructed to stay behind with Steve and the kids for what can be described as nothing other than... babysitting duty.

𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 [Stranger Things x Billy Hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now