// fourteen //

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"Am I dreaming, or is that you, Harrington?" - Billy Hargrove

As I open my eyes the next morning I notice two things very quickly. First, Billy didn't leave while I was sleeping, which admittedly, I was a little surprised to discover. At first glance, he definitely struck me as the sort of guy to screw and run. But I was somewhat relieved to notice him still sleeping soundly beside me. 

Second, I was sweating profusely. Probably due to Billy's hot body pressed against my back. Pun intended. Nevertheless, I was trapped underneath one of Billy's arms with no hope of escaping the suffocating heat of his bare chest. 

Pinned beneath his grip I couldn't help but take a moment to stop and reflect on the events of the previous day. Yesterday had been one hell of a day. The discovery that Steve, Dustin and I had made still deeply unnerved me but I was determined to find out the truth of what was really going on in Hawkins.

And Billy.. 

I knew it was foolish of me to wonder if last night had meant anything to him other than to act as a distraction, but I couldn't help it. I wanted it to mean something to him.. because it had meant something to me. 

My greatest fear for this morning is that he'll wake up, make some snide comment and then shut me out like he always does whenever I feel like we're finally getting somewhere. I know, I know what it's like to feel like you can't trust anyone but I pray that Billy will finally see that he can trust me. That he doesn't need to push me away. 

Billy began to stir beside me and it seemed that I didn't need to wonder for much longer. As I felt him stretch behind me I couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu as I recalled the morning after the halloween party when I had slept over at his place. 

Only this time, with Steve and Dustin waiting for me there was no chance of a pleasant trip to the diner for a Happy Hawkins burger today. 

I was about to try and gently shove Billy off of me when he beat me to it and leant over to quickly brush a kiss against my cheek. He then proceeded to sit up and if he had've turned around in that exact moment I'm sure he would have frowned at my mouth gaping open and the expression of pure shock on my face. 

Did he just- I'm dreaming. I must still be dreaming.

With Billy's bare back facing me I had a few spare seconds to work out what exactly I was going to say. Do I ask him about last night? What it means for us? Or am I completely overthinking everything, as usual? Probably

But then Billy turned around to face me mid yawn and when he saw that I was awake he gave me a wide and genuine smile. I was completely shocked, no words would form in my head. When I imagined how things would go down this morning I had never pictured this. 

Before I made even more of a fool of myself, I returned his smile quickly only looking away when he did. "So." He said, finally breaking the silence. 

"So.." I say, sitting up and fiddling with my fingers nervously. 

"What do you say we skip class and grab something greasy from the diner for breakfast?" He offered with another smile that I so rarely saw. I couldn't help but wonder how many other people had seen Billy Hargrove smile the way he is in this moment. He seemed so happy, so carefree. So.. not like Billy.

𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 [Stranger Things x Billy Hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now