// twelve //

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"Sometimes people don't really say what they're really thinking. But you capture the right moment, it says more." - Jonathan Byers

Tuesday passes relatively quickly, much to my relief. The whole day, I had caught myself either obsessing over every moment I had shared with Billy, thinking about the betrayal that had been so clear on Steve's face as I said I was seeing Billy or looking forward to seeing Jesse after his shift tonight.

With dismay, I quickly realised just how much my life had begun to revolve around guys. First Steve, then Billy, and now Jesse. Only this time, I was hoping that Jesse would turn out to be good for me and so far he seemed to be on the right track. 

I hadn't forgotten about Billy, in fact he made it almost impossible to do so with the strange, yet almost longing looks he would give me at school. They had started last week after he had so abruptly halted out make out session on the back of his car. I didn't bother trying to decipher the message within them, if he was really interested in fixing.. whatever our relationship was,  surely he would've apologised or at least tried to strike up a conversation by now.

That had been one of the greatest kisses of my life and it was almost as if nothing had happened between us. Every time I'd catch him looking, he would look away just as quickly. It was frustrating to say the least. 

Not to mention the fact that Steve still refused to speak to me since our conversation in the parking lot. Apparently everything that could have gone wrong that horrible Monday, had. Steve was upset with me and god knows what I'd done to make Billy so distant. 

 Nancy is still a bitch and my mother is still seeing Jim, so it seems that Jesse is all I have left. 

I tried not to react to the stares I could feel on the back of my head as I climbed into my car, throwing my bag on the backseat as I did. Steve and Billy's eyes followed me as I pulled out of the school parking lot. Once I was out of their view, I rolled a window down and sucked in a deep breath of fresh air.

* * *

There were no lights on at the Henderson's house as I pulled in just after 11pm. I wasn't surprised, Jesse did mention that he might be late if he had to close up the diner by himself. 

I parked my car behind what I assumed to be Mrs Henderson's vehicle and sat back in my chair, readying to wait for Jesse's arrival. But I sat up instantly as I squinted my eyes to get a better look at the almost familiar car in front of me.

Is that Steve's car?

I raised an eyebrow quizzically and opened the driver side door, stepping out of my car and taking a few steps towards the shadow covered vehicle. The closer I got, the more I was certain that it was in fact, Steve's car. 

But what the hell is he doing here? As far as I know, he doesn't know Jesse. Unless he was here to see Mrs Henderson or Jesse's younger brother, Dustin I couldn't imagine why his car would be parked here. 

I didn't have to wait long to find answers. I'd been standing beside the car, staring at it questionably for no more than five minutes before someone came barrelling into me from the back.

I let out a startled scream as we both fell onto the damp grass beside Steve's car. The person who had run into me, swore from where they had landed on top of me and I started at the familiar voice. 

𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 [Stranger Things x Billy Hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now