// eighteen //

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"I may be a pretty shitty boyfriend, but turns out I'm actually a pretty damn good babysitter." -Steve Harrington

Our ever-growing group had hastily gathered in a small huddle in the middle of the road that leads to the compound where Nancy and Jonathan seem to believe Jonathan's younger brother Will is being held captive. 

As the night drags on, I feel the inevitable exhaustion seeping into my body, bit by bit. What I wouldn't give for this whole ordeal to be over and done with now, so that I could go home and sleep for a week straight.  

I zoned out a little as Steve and the others discussed some sort of plan but they hadn't been debating long when the sound of a car speeding towards us interrupted the hushed conversation.

Everyone shared the same look of surprise yet somewhat relief to see the sheriff pull up beside us and quickly urge us inside the vehicle. The rest of our group didn't bother to ask questions, eager to get out of this place no doubt.

I squished myself inside the car between Steve and Billy and spent most of the trip staring out the window and trying to keep my mind elsewhere, instead of lingering on the thought of how awkward I felt sitting, pressed closely between them.

The soft movements of the car eventually began to lull me into a light sleep and when we finally arrived at our destination, Billy quietly woke me from where I had fallen asleep, resting my head on his shoulder.

Hopper ushered us inside the Byers' house and I immediately felt out of place in these strangers home. Billy shared a look with me that seemed to convey he was feeling exactly the same way. As the rest of our party each seemed to gravitate in their own directions, Billy and I stayed glued awkwardly to our position by the front door.

Jonathan and Nancy went to go sit by a comatose Will Byers, Hopper immediately hurried to the phone to call for some sort of back up I assumed, Joyce Byers disappeared somewhere further into the house and Steve and the kids gathered in the kitchen to sit around the Byers' dining table. 

Just as I felt as if I might fall asleep standing up, Billy offered me a small smile and leaned in to murmur close to my ear, "I'm gonna head outside for a smoke, you want one?" 

I grinned in relief, "Yeah, I could really use some nicotine right about now."

Either nobody noticed us leave or they did but our sudden departure was too low on their current priorities list to warrant further questions, so we managed to escape outside for a moment of greatly deserved solace. 

Billy and I leant against the front of the Byers' house, shoulder to shoulder, in a companionable silence as he lit up a cigarette, took a drag and then passed it to me. We continued like this for a long while, neither of us speaking but rather enjoying the comfort that the others presence brought. 

I didn't know how this nightmare was going to end, but I did know how glad I was that Billy was here with me to see it through 'til the end. I took a moment to reflect on how far we'd come these last few months. 

Looking back at the first day I'd met him, I never would have imagined finding so many of my own qualities in him. And I certainly never could have predicted the way I would end up feeling about him. 

As Billy took one last drag of the cigarette and tossed it onto the ground, I reached down to intertwine our fingers and rest my head on his shoulder. Billy gently squeezed my hand in response and leant his head against mine with a small sigh.

𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 [Stranger Things x Billy Hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now