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Dedicated to Jugan Karani❤

"OMG! Am so sick of these crop tops is there anything better than these baby shirts"i yelled in frustration dropping the clothes i was holding on the couch lifting all gazes in the cloth shop towards me.

"Um...Sorry"i exclaimed in embarrassment moving back to shuffling the branded clothes "lets see what we got here"i pulled out a black woolen sweater which looked cute.

As I entered the changing room I quickly removed my black Adidas top putting it on the rack beside me..."amazing"I smiled. Looking at the mirror infront of me checking every angle of my upper body with the woolen sweater, on the other note this should be at a very good prize and just on the budget. I removed the woolen sweater dressing back in my own clothing exiting the room, i pulled out my smartphone checking the time "nice I got one hour left till dawn"putting the phone back in my creamed clutch I went back on the clothes searching.

After 30 minutes of struggling with what's trending and what's not and also fitting sizes I only got a couple of clothes which suited me nonetheless so I went to the cashier to pay for my 3 skinny jeans, 1 black leather ankle boots and a woolen sweater.

"That will be 10$ Miss"the cashier who was techinally blonde with a big ass and boobs said concentrating on whatever she was doing on her computer. I opened up my clutch taking out all the money I had (coins and a 1 dollar note) cough cough....

"Here that's all the money I have"I handed her my money watching her count every last dime there was "excuse me miss?"she called out earning my full attention "yes"I answered looking at her cautiously "this is 9$, I need 1 more dollar"she deadpanned"come on only one dollar but today is my birthday"I lied giving her the puppy dog eyes "am sorry you'll have to pay all the money that is required"she answered looking completely annoyed "please I have no money left and I'm still a school girl feel sorry for me"I continued lying "miss if you don't have the money please exit the shop"she hissed

Great! Just what the world needs, a bitchy woman.

I opened up my clutch searching if I had missed a coin or hopefully a one dollar note but there was nothing even a chewed gum inside this bag of mine and every single second that passed by i kept the qeue onhold "if you don't have the money let the ones who have buy what they came here for"a lady who looked like she is in her 20s yelled from the back of the line "yeah move on you bitch"a teenage girl who looked like she was buying the whole clothing shop yelled and almost everyone standing behind me had this emotional feeling..ANNOYED, FRUSTRATED AND ANGER towards me.

"Please I promise I won't run away with your one dollar, am your daily customer"I pleaded and this time I wore the honest mask covering the devil's mask.

"Miss please if you don't pay for your items I'll have to call the security"she groaned placing her hand on her forehead I immediately rechecked my clutch but saw no miracle "oh God this is so humiliating"I whispered to myself.

And it magically became an angry mob against little me "madam please you will have to make your way through the exit right now"a bold skinny man gently pointed the exited door "come on find a heart in your reckless soul"I yelled in anger looking at the frightened cashier and just like that I was being carried out of the shop "leave me alone you idiots"I struggled from their strong hold but they were like hulk.

They shoved me outside the building "next time don't come here without any money"a tall buff man yelled pointing at me with every chance he had staring at me like i resembelled a goat poop.

Am gonna kill myself for this.

When they made their way back inside the building I felt a sting on my forearms rubbing it gently where they used there super strength "that was charming"I said sarcastically still looking at the disgusting building picking the phone from my clutch looking for the Uber app.  I remembered they kept my damn money "thieves"I hissed.

CASSY. C (still editing) Where stories live. Discover now