Selena gomez

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Dedicated to Timothy Marete❤

I and Nicholas started off well since the day he asked me out to town's park for I quote a 'talk'clearly I can see lust in his eyes every time we discuss anything and the way he keeps his eyes on my lips makes me more redder which is not normal of me to have this funny feeling in my stomach

For God's sake! He is my damn work partner have some morals Grayson.

"Here is you're file"Zamora threw a red file on my desk leaving me startled, drawing my attention to her well shaped figure covered in horrifying clothes;a black mini skirt that shows the lower part of her ass, a white blouse which is exposing her red transparent bra too much cleavage for my own composure, with high creamed heels which makes her taller than usual not only that she wore heavy makeup that if she wasn't blind from the sluttiness am sure she could have seen a herself like a clown-slut

Get what I mean?

"Thanks"I took the file realizing she hasn't moved from her spot "can I help you?"I asked staring at her like I wanna rip her brain and try to figure how exactly it works or she is just usually stupid, I may not fit in the whole bad ass attitude but some time this girl gets on my last nerve with her lunatic way of behavior not only me everyone thinks she is stupid, the whole company does and not only is she trying to catch all the fishes in the sea but the fact she wants to get into my dad's pants makes me feel like I wanna throw up and slash her from limp to limp even though my dad did unforgettable mistakes long time ago he is still my dad and I don't think am comfortable with such trash trying to sneak its way inside my dad's boxers

Disgusting idiot!

"I see you're very close with you're partner"she sized me "yes and how does it concern you?"I asked feeling agitated

"Ooh nothing it's that you know just mind you're business"she casually said "is he involved in something serious with you?"I asked

"Not for now but just give me two days and you'll see"she left me in disgust"wow! she is just practically stupid"I said concerating back to my previous work


"So where are you going right now?"I asked Ciara stopping at my destination "am going to join him to atleast support him for his loss"Ciara hugged me waving a goodbye as she strode down on the pavement covered in sunset bloom, I entered my penthouse completely tired of you know everything

I took a shower, did some cleaning, watched some TV and cooked supper i also finished little details of arranging the living room; I checked the clock and it read '9:46pm'i sighed feeling completely tired,i prepared myself to head for a good night sleep;i did a short prayer "Amen"and I got in bed letting myself be drawn in darkness

Today i had work from seven in the morning till twelve in the afternoon since winter was nearing over. I went home because I needed alot of rest since this past few weeks I've been doing ups and downs with Nicholas preparing for our blog searching for the guys to date and create some tension between me and them

Ive gotten closer to Nicholas every second that we paired up into a couple completely leaving Zamora in an ocean full of anger and well I've not seen Zayn for a long time together with my dad I wonder where they are?

Beep! Beep!

"Hello"I answered my phone looking at the clock '1:26pm'who is calling me at lunch hours?  "hey"I heard Zayn on the other line making my heart increase to 2000 kilometers per second

"Hi Zayn"I answered nervously heading to the kitchen "I'm sorry I've been too distance from you lately, Me and you're dad had some business work in Europe and I just got back and I was wondering if you wanted to join me for some lunch??"he asked and am sure I felt him scratch the back of his neck

CASSY. C (still editing) Where stories live. Discover now