Ariana grande

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Dedicated to @shaya220268😎

"Oh please if you wanted her you could have told her"I finished making my protein shake, picked my phone up,went to the living room,put a nice good series of the 100 and sat down relaxing putting the loud speaker on my phone so I could be able to hear Bruce from the other line loudly

"Oh come on she is acting ditsy nowadays"he complains and at the same he wants the the girl like wazz wrong with you man "then leave her alone"I answered sarcastically to hear his stupid response

"No bitch that's my babe"he yelled making me giggle in the middle of the protein shake "Bruce? "I called out to him slowly "yes honey"he answered

"You know am here for you Me and Ciara are here to help you for better or for worse"I told him looking at the phone like he could see my face right now

"Yes I know that's why I love you guys alot"he sympathized through the phone which is awfully quite the other side of the line

"And we are here for you and we love you too but we've been talking about the same damn woman for about a month"I spoke matter of factly sipping my protein shake slowly by slowly

"I know its confusing like she got all these mixed up emotions which is very irratating"he truthly said earning a soft giggle from me "look as I was saying...."I heard a knock from the door "continue with what you were saying? "He spoke

"Am coming"I yelled so the person behind the door could hear me and stop knocking "you're coming? "Bruce asked, God I forgot I was talking to him

"Oh yeah I wanted to say if you're a full man with balls talk to that female dog of yours and know what you both want"I yelled earning another knock on the door leave the little Bruce quite i can even picture his wide eyes from here "you bi-"I cut him off

"I gotta go bye"I cut the call short;sprinting towards the door before the guest breaks the door down "Ciara? "I asked looking at her puzzled

"Its me love"she immediately got in with almost 10 suitcases looking tan as hell with a yellow beach sundress,a brown beach glasses OK just everything she wore was beachy

"Okay"I closed the door heading towards her "back from vacation! what did you bring me?"I sat beside her looking at everything she owned as she snoops inside every bag

"Here this is for you"she gave me a black and silver bag me and my childishness I poked my whole head almost my whole body inside the bag "OMG!"I squealed holding the beautiful precious clothes that I love,love, love "Adidas clothes"checking them out looking so stunned "and that's not all"she pulled out different types of make-up kits "oh my days there like a dozen make-ups"looking at every one of them Zamora is gonna be looking at the next Beyonce in that building

"Fenty, Kylie, nudes and lots of lots of girls dreamland standing before you and only for you"I looked at her with a huge smile on my face and before she knew it I jumped on her falling to the floor hugging and kissing her "thank you, thank you, thank you and non-ending thank you's"we stayed for about 5 minutes wrestling on each other since am the strongest she stayed on the floor till I heard her backbone crack on my thank you wrestle which we both laughed as hell making some grandma jokes on her body..........


"Now you're fully settled"we strode down to the kitchen to make some lunch since we took like a whole 1 hour to unpack Ciara belongings and since Ciara is a poor chef I had to prepare lunch "what are we eating today chef ratatouille?"she took a granola bar sitting on the counter chair "well today we are eating you're Indian special"I mimicked a britain accent taking the ingredients out

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