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Dedicated to Paul karani❤

"OMG! "I squealed full of happiness"but I never applied for a job"I questioned myself for a whole one hour but nothing seem to answer my question

"What time is it?"I checked my alarm clock and it read 4:00am feeling all tired out I quickly went to bed for a good night rest, okay its morning but its dark so yeah!!!

"Cassy? "I felt someone shaking me lightly but I was too tired to see who it was "Cassy?"there it is again maybe I overthinked last night that I died in my sleep now am in heaven.. No that's too good to be a dream.

"Go away"I took my right pillow covering my face sleeping more and more every second that passes by

"Cassandra Gray wake up"I woke up quicker than flash himself staring at my Mom with my lazy eyes feeling abit drowsy I turned to my right to check the alarm clock and it was 11:00am I groaned in frustration, I needed my beauty sleep letting my back fall backwards on the pillow I let the darkness take me in with open arms

"Cassandra I said wake up right now"I got up from bed looking at her eye to eye "what?"I shouted making her startle for a moment till she gained her composure

Yes! somebody needs their sleep.

"I got a call from a certain office asking if you're still up for an appointment at 12:00pm in the afternoon today."she spit in annoyance I blinked still not getting what she is trying to say "appointment?"I asked still processing what she said

"Yes and you're running late"she stood up pointing the clock which read 11:12am but i kept looking at her blindly "get dressed I'll explain after you've dressed"she exited the room as for I felt my body feeling numb from head to toe

Beep Beep!!

I picked my phone from the lamp table beside me reading the text from an unknown number 'Miss are you still coming for the interview?'

I quickly opened the email from last night reading it back from top to below which had all the details, the address and the time checking the clock again it read11:20am


20 minutes of dressing up and nail polishing my fingers and toes which was smudging everywhere making me repeat every single time I had only 39 minutes to make it which is also a 20 minute drive according to the map so I better grab a donut and dash out from that house like no other

"Hi Pheria and Zacky sorry but mama gotta go"I kissed them goodbye heading into the kitchen where Mom stood holding a blueberry pie


"No,not now"I whispered to myself heading to the refrigerator to look for a snack that I can carry to the appointment "what?"Mom asked icing the pie

"Nothing"as I scan the fridge quickly I saw McDonalds burger just what I was looking for grabbing the burger quickly and dashing out of the place Mother stopped me"I didn't get to tell you about your work"she said

"Later mother I gotta go"I grabbed the car keys and went to my interview... I was driving like a maniac shouting for the red light GO, GO, GO and insulting the drivers to move out of the way


I arrived within 5 minutes before 12:00pm I was looking stranded dog who's lost on the huge hallway filled with machinery, lots of people and computers everywhere. I went to the reception only to be met with a huge welcome "Hello! Miss gray you're finally here"the red haired receptionist had a loud frigging voice just like a cow which is almost giving birth

CASSY. C (still editing) Where stories live. Discover now