Michael dapaah

11 3 2

Dedicated to Lucia Kawira❤

"What the-"I felt cold water hit my face and my queen sized bed which is covered by white clean sheets but not anymore and my dream of kissing Charlie Puth has disappeared to neverlands"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSY!!" the dwevils cheered leaving the room whispering of maybe how there planning to kill me

"Dwevils"I huffed getting out of bed taking the wet sheets to the laundry basket, I go and take a good hot shower "perfect"as soon as the moist filled the bathroom I could feel myself relax, calm and able to think how the hell am I going to get a frigging job

As soon as I finished clothing I strode downstairs for an early breakfast thanks to the Dwevils "now there is my birthday girl"Mom gave me a tight hug really am 20 and she still treats me like Angel and Kristen

"Thank you Mom"I pulled out from the hug giving my mother a joyful look heading to the dining room for a well morning breakfast

Karma today, its my birthday imma ask for peace and joyful day today.

"Wow looks delicious"I felt my mouth watering from just the look of the delicious food spread out on our French wooden dinning table "happy birthday Cassy"Mother came and gave me a side hug as we stare at the table for about 20 seconds and guess who interrupted "Cassy there is a package for you"Kristen came with Angel holding a gigantic ass box wrapped with pink foil and a black shiny bow on top "who is it from? "I asked taking the box from Angel

"From Dad"Angel spoke the three words I never ever wanted to hear from10 years ago FATHER AND DAD okay its the same thing but I never wanted to hear such a word but karma never likes to see me smiling apparently

"I can't open this"I put the box down feeling anger boil inside in me like a volcano ready to explode "Cassy just open it"Mother requested but even if it was Justin bieber asking me to marry me after I open the box I'd turn down the offer

No thank you.

"How about we return it back to sender?"I went to sit down and pour myself an apple juice mwaah my favorite...

"Come on,what's worse that could happen"Kristen came near with the box I rolled my eyes at her statement maybe it isn't from Dad and these Angels are playing a prank on me

"Is this a prank? "I questioned them and it took them by surprise which obviously can't be them maybe it is from my Father

"No we can't prank you like this that's so outdated"Kristen replied carefully placing the box near me earning a nod from Angel

"Maybe there is a bomb in there"I moved away from the box making sure that that present doesn't come near me at all

"Bomb? "Angel and Kristen shrieked in fear by surprise I suppressed a giggle "come on Cassy, stop scaring the children and just open the box am here with you no matter what happens am beside you"she gave me a whole new mother-look from the eyes to her chin

Okay I'm getting weird now.

"Fine"I knew imma regret those words later eventually as I unwrap the box waiting to open it I can see the three females in front of me eager to see what's inside I shook my head preparing to unbox it and wow......

"Wow"the dwevils said in an unison

"How surprising"Mom looked completely not surprised at all "what do you mean? "I asked completely confused like who can't be surprise at every girls best diamond

"You're father still got his charm even after all those years"Mom shrugged it heading to the table serving our plates with food I was completely dumbstruck at her reaction but let's see all I have here

CASSY. C (still editing) Where stories live. Discover now