Michael jackson

14 3 0

Dedicated to Amy & Maya❤

The snow was getting heavier each day which was a lot stressful since it wasn't easy to find any cars on the streets and the roads were flooded with snow and not many people were coming out of their houses, I was wondering what kind of work I have? who works on a December not to mention I keep getting hit by snowballs every time I go to work

"Hey!! "I yelled searching for the kid who threw a huge snowball on my back until my eyes met a cute boy who looks like he is turning five threw another huge snowball on my face

"Watch it"I hissed making him run away terrified at my voice of anger

God I hate kids.

I strode down the hallways of ClickIt "hey darling"Bruce greeted giving me a hug when we pulled away from the hug I saw his nose very red signing that he has a massive cold "aww someone has a cold"I cooed pinching his cheek smoothly

"Well yeah, this snow is gonna be the death of me"he talked like he had a blocked nose sneezing everywhere which I mean't i needed to put a distance far from him before he infects me with it.

"Hi Cassy"Ciara greeted handing me a sweet cup of coffee "hey what's up?"I took the coffee warming my hands feeling relax, we strode down to my office

"Today we are closing till January"Bruce sighed falling on the sofa near the big clear window "what?"I asked

"Well we close on December so we could go on holidays with our family and yeah whatever"Ciara sat next to Bruce actually in my part of view if Bruce and Ciara were a couple I think they could be awarded for the best couple nominee but with their hard headed heads denying their undying love I don't think I'll be seeing them lovey-dovey anytime soon.


"Well that's all I have to say. See you on January my fellow workers"James Grayson held his glass toasting to a great work which we responded "cheers!"we all sipped the delicious champaign, I went to Nicholas "Hi babe"I kissed his cheek and he wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me closer to him and out of the blue we started having a crazy make out session leaving Zamora there with flaming eyes...

Find a life you female dog!

We all chatted our way through the day took some pictures laughing like idiots and even though sometimes this job is a pain in the ass I'm gonna miss them for those five weeks. I went home at 8 heading 9 in the evening I refused Nicholas to take me home cause I know things will happen which clearly am not in the mood.

I changed into my comfortable clothes and ate some food till I remembered Mom called me telling me that we are gonna go on our always vacation on twenty fourth which is a few weeks away;I ran to the kitchen checking the calendar

"Yay!!! Only few weeks left until the 24th and I'm going on vacation!!!"I sqealled in happiness

"Now according to my calculations, I should get my period on... "I did the calculations on the calculator

Damn it!!

"The 24th... Great!"I hissed looking back at the calender feeling abit bored after all that.So i decided to go and watch some cartoon

"God am I not bored"I groaned getting up from bed looking like a awakening zombie checking what time it is;


I groaned again covering my heading with the sheets and heading back for a good day sleep then I remembered that Nicholas and I haven't spoken since we closed work, I took my phone checking for notifications but there was none

CASSY. C (still editing) Where stories live. Discover now