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Dedicated to Kevin karani❤

"Home sweet home"I arrived at my house shutting the door;I leaned on it dropping my bag breathing in my sweet lovely scent of 'fruity and mint'and I can also smell chips from yesterday morning

OMG! Chips are life!!

I went to my room got refreshed quickly, went to the kitchen and made some protein shake;drank it quickly and went to the living room to watch some TV

I kept feeling uncomfortable for no reason so I kept checking around the house but no sign of what missing and ding, ding, ding, ding I snapped my fingers

My head just lit the light bulb on.

"Its cleaning day!"I courageously said.

I went to the store and took out the cleaning supplies, tied my hair into a neat bun and wore the cleaning uniform "am ready"I said

Before i started I went by my mp3 beat player and played all my favorite playlist and the first song that began to sing was 'zayn malik ft sia-dusk till dawn' "I'll be with you from dusk till dawn"I sang with my terrible voice that could make all the glasses in this building shatter into pieces

I made the living room sparkle and tidy leaving a good scent of mint and fruity but if really you really focused on the smell-you could smell chips from a far away kilometer scent.

I made my way to the rooms and cleaned it from ceiling to floor from left wall to right wall, I changed the sheets and the curtains and maybe a little change with the decorations won't hurt

As I finished with the rooms I went to the next room 'toilet' changing the toilet mat,the bathroom curtain and everything else that needs to make the toilet tidy

I did a here to there 4 hour cleaning; I took the clean clothes from the laundry machine placing them on a red basket-folding them neatly taking them to my bedroom.

I know am a wife material.

After i finished with the small details.I laid down on my bed staring at the cream ceiling decorated pleasantly, I felt like the urge to pee which must have been the protein shake...

I washed my hands getting out of the bathroom I yawned feeling tired, checking the time from my wristwatch it read  five minutes past three

"Huh? What's this??"I looked at a small red pimple on my right hand "I should just Google it..."I went to the dining room checking for my laptop so i could Google it"got it!"I said

I browsed 'small red bump on my arm'later on I got my results "what the holy crap"I shouted in disbelief, okay Google is just some piece of Zacky's poop

The top 4 results were:
Cancer diagnosis

I immediately shut down the machinery heading to my room;i locked the door and went for a good afternoon sleep "I'll take a better look at it tomorrow"and slowly I let the darkness take me away....


I woke up at nine o'clock in the morning I was pretty sure that i was gonna take a good long sleep because I've been working too hard this whole week and babysitting those dwevils ain't that easy than you think

I yawned getting off the bed heading to the bathroom to help my self;I flushed the toilet, washed my face and left the bathroom with a grumbling stomach 

CASSY. C (still editing) Where stories live. Discover now