Zayn malik

9 3 0

Dedicated to Esther Marete❤

"Hey babes" Bruce wrapped his overly masculine arm around my lazy shoulders making me flinch a little

"Hey Bruce Lee"I yawned heading to my office lazily. What a short week for my relaxation and my so-called boss couldn't allow me to have a one more week leave, he said that he loves me but even he can't do favoritism in his place of work and that he's favoured me enough.

What kind of love is that?

"Bleh!"Ciara winced at the sight of me as soon as I entered my office "what?"I asked stealing her coffee and taking a sit on my office chair;i placed a hand on my forehead taking small sips from my coffee that I purposely stole from Ciara

"You look like a morning mess"she sized me in disgust and I don't blame her I'm totally a mess with my dark eye bags and my flushed skin with my not so-well combed hair except the outfit;it looks stunning.

"Yeah you had a one week leave"Bruce pointed me emphasizing on the word 'you' with a surprised emotion on his gorgeous face

"Well what do you know? I'm a lady who loves herself!"I slammed my head on my dark wooden table shutting my eyes letting the dark consume me slowly but I couldn't because of these talking puppets blabbering their mouths

"Oh no wake up!"Ciara pulled me up "I need sleep!"I groaned faking a cry almost like spongebob

Within two seconds Ciara and Bruce gave each other face signals and Bruce was out leaving me with Ciara alone in the room "get up"she commanded

"Why?"I asked not doing what she commanded

"I said get up"she hissed with all the energy I had in me I got from the seat lazily walking across my office table

"Sit here"she took out a chair where the clients sit placing it near me so all I had to do is let myself fall on it

"This is gonna take sometime"she took her brown leather bag unzipping it with my cautious eye I saw her removing all types of make ups and scissors that I pray won't come close to me. I sat up straightly preparing to dash away from her but it was too late

Am doomed!


I waited for my food to be brought up in my office so I could eat since today in the morning I only took fries and I came here to 'work' sucks to be an adult sometimes.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Come in"I yelled for the person on the other side of the door to make an entry "Hello Miss, here is your food"she placed the food gently on the table "Hello Margaret, ooh and thank you"I thanked her bringing the delicious food that smelt like heaven near me

"You're welcome"she left me alone with my food and a room with only food-scented air

"Damn it! My cute red lipstick will get ruined"I removed the foil staring deep at my food, I took a strawberry and got up walking frontwards and backwards staring at my red beautiful fruit;I decided to take a small gently bite

I took a bite with my teeth out on the strawberry edge placing it down on the plate, I took the lemonade sipping the the straw of course with my teeth out placing it down, next up I took a chicken burger "this gonna be difficult"I said to myself

With all the strength I had I pulled out a lettuce with my teeth carefully placing the burger back on the plate I chewed on the lettuce, picking up my glass of lemonade still sipping it with my teeth

CASSY. C (still editing) Where stories live. Discover now