French montana

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Dedicated to @shreya_samaira127😎

Its been three weeks after I started working at ClickIt and its been great I made lots of friends but out of all of them I've built up a close relationship with only two friends and some people found out that am the daughter of their boss so it kinda got uncomfortable since there scared talking to me freely nor its not easy for them to laugh with me which is kinda painful but only the hard headed ones I love understand me (Ciara and Bruce) we work together, help each other so its pretty OK to me plus its only three weeks so Imma stop complaining too much.

Dad and I are still not getting well together but I'm trying to be a least appreciative even though it hurts from the inside and he knows how badly wounded I am from the way he looks at me when we discuss some business here and there and did I tell you that my Dad got me an assistant (Zamora) who is sexy ass hell and got a nice figurely body and very beautiful.

OK now I sound like a desperate lesbian.

But her heart and soul is rotten like hell she dislikes me for no reason I think disliking is an understatement she hates me since she started working with me and not only my two best friends she hates too but almost 98% percent of the whole company she despises them and I know you're wondering where is the 2% percent well lemme tell you the 2% percent is my Dad which is completely disgusting and awkward and my Dad's right hand (Zayn) who is every girls best friend and a special diamond that only one girl could treasure but he isn't a lovey dovey type he is the hard core type and likes to party and also very secretive

Curse Zamora.

I moved out from Mom's house last week and bought a luxurious penthouse where I live alone even though I miss my dwevils and Mom and Pheria together with Zacky.I'm a grown girl I could handle living alone (probably lying) every weekend I go and visit Mother and everyone at home sometimes I sleep there since its usually so boring where i live and I mostly feel lonely and its not like Ciara and Bruce could be coming every single day and sleep there.Hell to the No; because there busy sleeping around mostly Ciara actually Bruce is usually busy with vehicles driving and whatever which makes him earn money almost every single day well he broke up with his girlfriend 2 days ago so he is not as cheerful but with my stubborness he will be in tip-top shape anytime. 

I might be 20 but to me I see myself under age.


"OK see you tomorrow"I waved goodbye to my work partners heading outside before I miss my 8:00pm bus ride checking my wristwatch 7:45pm its still early so a little snack won't hurt

I went to an ice cream parlor for some good ice cream "I'll have the chocolate chip ice cream"taking out the right amount of payment so I could be given my ice cream I gave the cashier the money receiving change

Just what I wanted.

In three minutes I received my ice cream heading towards the exit I caught up with my so-called assistant wearing like a prostitute with so much make-up looking like a dead clown "Zamora?"I deadpanned feeling disgusted and not pleased seeing the devil when am eating my favorite snack for the day

"Cassandra?"she put her right hand full of jewelry on her hip looking at me expectantly "am suprised to see you"I faked a smile but inside of me I felt like burping like a coward

"Well am not"she glared at me disgustingly before passing me like a nobody "idiot"I whispered exiting the parlor mouth full of ice cream throwing the clear plastic cup into the dustbin heading to the bus station I saw my bus ride leaving

CASSY. C (still editing) Where stories live. Discover now