Chapter 6

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I opened my eyes and saw a bare chested Jimin.

"Omg!" I yelled.

"Y/n! It morning you up yet?!" Lisa yelled.

" just one second!"

I got up and remembered everything from last night. I shook Jimin for him to wake up.

"Jiminie Oppa!"

"Uh" He grunted. "Let me sleep." 

"Wake up before I Call eomma Jin and tell him you abused me!"

"I didn't abuse you if you enjoyed." He said winking.

I rolled my eyes.

"Hurry Up so we can go!"

He got up and started to change (so did I).

We unlocked the room and walked down stairs.

"Hey n/n what did youdo last night? *wink wink*"

"Jaja Shut up." I laughed.

Jisoo, Rosé, and Jennie came from the living room.

"Hey y'all me and Laliz were just talking but me and Jimin are going to go bye!" I tried to leave as fast as I could I grabbed Jimins hand and was about to walk out the door.

"Slow down cupcake!" Rosie shouted.

Jennie and Jisoo grabbed me by my two wrist and took me back to the kitchen.

"Hey hotshot! Get over here!" Lisa yelled.

"No please don't humiliate." I whined on my knees."

"Relax we me and the girls talked about this last night we're just going to see If fuckboy over here is good enough for ya." Rosé said.


"I'm fine Y/n I'm sure i'll pass."

"That's what all my ex's said." I said looking up at him with my puppy eyes.

He got down on his knees and cupped my cheeks.

"I'll be fine." He said kissing my for head.

"Squeeee! You passed!" They all yelled.

"W-what but none of my ex's have ever passed?"

"And none of them we're sweet to you or did what he did." Jisoo said with her hands on her hips.

They walked up to Jimin.

"Y/n is the beautiful, precious, sweetest girl ever she's our best friend. So if you hurt her or take her away from us then we will kick your ugly ass all the way to the U.S!" Jennie said glaring at him.

"Jendeuk!" I shouted at Jennie.

"Okay Okay y'all can leave now." Lisa said with a peace sign.

" Lisa said with a peace sign

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"Mkay bye y'all." Me and Jimin left.

We got in the car and Jimin started driving.

"So...does this mean...?"

"I don't you wanna?"

"Well we did..."

"Yeah...So I guess we are."

"Okay. But from now on you need to call's a cute nickname?"





"W-what no!"

"You called me daddy last night."

"Fine...Even in public?"

"Yes you should not be ashamed!"


We got to his house and I saw Got7 and BTS talking in the living room.

"Y/n! Look I'm really sorry an-"

"Yugeom I'm dating someone else I've liked him for a long time...I just didn't realize it."

"W-who...who are you dating?"

I looked back at Jimin. Jimin walked forward and pulled me close to him.

"Me..." Jimin said.

"..."  Everyone stayed quiet.

"Oh..." Yugeom said.

"I'm really sorry Yugeom really I kno-" Yugeom cut me off.

"It's okay. I do love you but what ever makes you happy makes me happy."

I hugged Yugeom.

"Yugeom I love you. Only as a friend!" I said.

" did you guys end up together in one night?"

"Hehe well he asked me out kinda..."

"How?" Jin asked.

"Seokjinie!" I whined.

"Ugh." He rolled his eyes. "Did you use a condom?" 

"W-what What do you mean?" I started to get nervous.

"I'm not stupid."

"How'd you know?"

"Because...I'm god!"

We all started to laugh. 

"So..." Jinyoung said.

"I'm Y/n, I know who you are I'm a fan of yours."

"Oh okay...then who's your bias...Wait already know it me." JB said. 5

"No." I said.

"Me?" Jinyoung asked.3


"It's got to be me we were dating."

"Nope not you. Your my sixth bias."

"Me!" Mark said winking at me.

"Me!" Mark said winking at me

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"Nope your my fourth bias."

"What?! Switch me with I mean Jinyoungs worthless you can put me instead!"

"Hey!" Jinyoung yelled.

"Do that again and you'll be last." I said sticking out my tounge

"Me!" BamBam said.

"Nope second." I said.

"Me! Wahaha!" Jackson yelled.

"Nope your last." I said sticking out my tongue.

"" Youngjae asked.


"Yay!" He said. "The rest of y'all suck!"

We all laughed.

A/n: Yay! I finally made a chapter even though Ik my ff sucks I will keep on writing cuz...well I got nothing better to do. Anyway love y'all hope y'all liked this chapter! Byeee!😘🖤

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