Chapter 18

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A/n: If y'all didn't see I edited a small part:

A/n: If y'all didn't see I edited a small part:

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*Cough cough* your welcome.

"I love you Jimin I'm sorry, I should have read the rest and not jump to conclusions I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She cried.
"Stop saying sorry it's not you're fault It's mine I'm the one who used you for money, I just ended up falling in love with you along the way..." I said.
She smiled.
"I want to go home now please."
"We should probably report Jinyoung to the police." (Is what Jimin would've said in real life)
"What ever you want." I said.
We walked home leaving Jinyoung in pain on the floor.
Once we got home we went to our room and fell asleep laying next to eachother hugging.

Next Morning:

"JiMbLeS GeT YoUrE AsS uP nOw!" Yoongi banged on the door.
"Okay, okay." I said rolling off the bed falling on the ground.
I got up and opened the door.
"Come see this!" Yoongi shouted.
He followed Yoongi to the living room where all the guys were watching the TV.
"Look!" They all shouted.
"Man injured on the ground gets arrested! For theft, rape, and murder. His name is Jung Jinyoung, here is a picture and video of him."
They showed a video of him going up to the camera.
"I'll fucking get you Y/n, you'll be mine." He laughed.
"What the hell!" Namjoon shouted.
"This man stole money from a elder who was rich, poor man had a heart attack when he found out. He raped four girls one caught on security camera, faces not visible fo privat reasons,
They showed the video I froze seeing it was the video of Jinyoung throwing Y/n to the ground later on I of course came in.
"Woah, good thing that man came to help that poor lady." Jin said.
"Y-Yeah." I stuttered.
"their names are Jae-Eun, Ji-Yeon, Y/-"
"Wow! I can't belive he raped four girls!" I said interrupting the news.
"Shut up Jimin we didn't here the girls name." Yoongi said.
"and Soomi, and murdered-"
"Morning." Y/n interrupted smiling.
"What the hell Y/n we didn't get to hea-Y/n! Youre here!" Yoongi shouted.
"Oh yeah I came back last night." She smiled. "I overreacted."
The guys smiled.
"We missed you!" Jin shouted and they all ran to her an hugged her.
"Aish! Be careful of the baby!" I shouted and they all laughed.
"She's alright." I smiled.
"So how'd you guys make up."
"I begged for forgiveness. I told her I couldn't live without her."
"Jimin it's okay we can tell them the truth." She smiled.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yes." She said.
She explained everything and how Jinyoung was going to rape her, I explained how I went looking for her and helped her.
"I thought I heard somebody in the middle of the night." Jin said.
"Oh sorry..." I said.
"It's alright, I thought you were never gonna come home!" Jin shouted.
"Well I did." I smiled.
"We should party!" Jungkook shouted happily.
"No alcohol though." Namjoon said.
Me and Jimin smiled.
"Can I invite my friends?" I asked.
"Of course and we'll invite ours." Jimin said.
"I'm calling Mingyu and BamBam." Jungkook shouted.
"If you're calling them invite all of them." Jimin said.
I called all my friends and invited them.
"Hey Lisa can you come to my party me and the guys are having please?
"Yeah of course where ever there's a party I'm there anyway is Jennie, Jisoo, and Rosé coming?"
"Yes but can you call them I'm r3dally busy inviting others?"
"Anything for you."
I laughed.
"Also, no playing with any boys!"
"What? Boring."
"Lisa please~ any other party you can just not this one please~"
"Fine bye~"
"Y/n! What type of cake do you like?!" Jin asked.
(F/c = Favorite cake.)
"Hey Y/n, you want to go get the pizza with me?!
"I don't kno-"
"Please?" Jimin asked.


A/n: I know it's short but I have a personal problem going on right now and I just wanted you guys to have something to read, I hope you like it I'm really sorry, I'll try and update again soon, love y'all bye~~😘❤️

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