Chapter 16

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A/n Y'all might wanna play the song for this one.

"Then it's a no." Jimin said. "I've thought about it alot and it's a no. I'd be gone for five or so years and I wouldn't be here for my own childs birth and I wouldn't be able to support you."
I smiled.
"Jimin seriously if you want to go you can, I'm sure all the guys will take care of me." I said smiling.
'As much as it would hurt I wan't Jimin to be happy'
"Y/n...I'm staying." He said. "I don't care if I get fired I want to be here for my baby's birth."
I smiled, tears running down my cheek.
"What the fuck?!" Yoongi shouted.
We got up and walked to the door seeing all the guys back home.
"I fucking beat you I swear!" Yoongi shouted.
"Hey." We said.
"Hey, did you tell Y/n?" Jin asked.
"Why do you ask?" Jimin said.

Jimin's P.O.V

"Because she looks like she's been crying." Jin said.
"Ah...yes." I said.
"Well?" Jin asked. "Are you going? You still haven't told us if you are."
"Well...I've decided to go." I said smiling.
"What?!" They all shouted (including Y/n).
"You said you werent!" Y/n shouted tears starting to fill her eyes.
I looked at her and a tear fell from her eyes.
"I'm just kidding." I smiled and wiped her tear away with the edge of my thumb.
"D-don't play like that." She said moving my hand and walking to our room.
"Have fun taking care of that." Yoongi said and the guys waved leaving.
I sighed and walked to my room. I entered and closed the door looking at Y/n.
"So you didn't want me to go." I said.
" but...I didn't want to be selfish." She said.
I smiled.
"Y/n I love you if you wanted me to stay I would stay and even then I decided to stay."
"I know bu-"
"Y/n I'm staying and thats it, I wouldn't leave my baby, and my beautiful girlfriend for the world." I smiled.
A tear falling down from her eye.
"I love you so much Jimin." She cried. "Your going to be an amazing father."
I smiled and hugged her.
"And you'll be a great mother." I kissed her forehead and smiled.
We heard a knock on the door.
"Yes?" I said.
"Someone's calling you Jimin."
"Aish I'm going." I said kissing her nose.
Y/n smiled and I walked out of the room.
"Who is it?" I asked as Jin we walked to the kitchen.
"I don't know, I didn't check." He shrugged.
"Why didn't you just bring my phone to me dumbass." I scoffed.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU CALL ME???!!!" Jin yelled pulling my ear.
"Aish let me answ-" I paused looking at the caller ID. "'s Yoojung."
"Fuck her." Jin scoffed.
Yoojung's my slutty ex girlfriend who used me for my money.
I answered the phone putting it on speaker so the guys could hear, Y/n was in our so she couldn't hear.


"What the fuck do you want Yoojung?" I said.
As soon a the rest of the guys heard me say her name they surrounded me and listened.
"Baby, I miss you." She said.
"Fuck off Yoojung your a bitch." I said.
"You shouldn't talk to your future wife that way." She said.
"What the fuck? Your not my future wife I've fallen in love with someone else Yoojung so can you just fuck off."
"Oh really? What if I told her the truth?"
"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.
"Why you really started dating why you really texted her."
"Yoojung." I said.
The guys looked at me.
"What the hell am I gonna do?" I said putting my hands in my hair.
"Jimin we'll hel-"
"Why did you date me." I looked toward the door to the kitchen seeing Y/n crying.
I ended the call and looked at her.

End Of Call

"Y/n I..."


A/n: Sorry it's short I'll try and make them longer! Love y'all bye~~

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