Chapter 15

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"It's a girl." The doctor said smiling.
"Oh my gosh!" I shouted.
Tears streaming down my cheek. Jimin wiped my tears smiling.
"'s a girl." I cried.
"I know baby." A tear streamed down his face.

Jimin's P.O.V

I looked at Y/n and sighed as we drove back home. I still haven't told Y/n and the office said I must answer them by Thursday but...I'm not sure how she'll take it. As we were driving on the way home I got a call from my boss.


"Park Jimin?"
"Yes Mr. Lee?"
"Have you made you're decision yet?"
"Um...well you see Mr. Lee I still need to talk to about it." I replied.
"Ah well you have till next week that's all I'm giving you." He said.
"Yes sir."
"I'm depending on you Park Jimin." He said.
"Y-Yes sir."
"Alright well I-"
"Wait Mr. Lee if I can't go...what will happen."
"Well, it would be a shame but this is a great opportunity Jimin, you could be CEO of the Skyblue Fashion Industry." He replied.
"A-Ah yes sir."
"Mr. Lee."
I heard someone call him in the background.
"Ah Jimin I must go. Remeber next week." He said.

End Of Call

"Who was that?" Y/n asked.
"N-No one important boss asking if I'm free on Friday to work." I said.
" already work on work Monday, Wedensday, and Friday..." Y/n said a bit confused.
"Yeah but uh...todays Friday and I asked for a day off so he wanted to make sure that I could work next Friday." I lied.
If I go to Skyblue Fashion Industry I won't even be here next Friday.
"Ah okay." She smiled.
It hurts so much lying to Y/n but I have to...for now.
We pulled into the drive way and parked the car.  We opened the door and walked into the house, no one was home. I called Jin and he said they went out to the arcade.
We sat on the couch and desided to watch a movie.
"Y-Y/n I have to tell you something." I said in the middle of the movie.
"Jimin." She whined. "It's getting to the good part."
I looked at her and she pouted.
"Y/n...this is serious."
"Aish fine." She said pouting.
"Mr. Lee, my boss offered me to be CEO of Skyblue Fashion Industry-"
"That's amazing!" She smiled and hugged me.
"Y/-Y/n...Skyblue Fashion Industry Los Angeles..." I said.
She pulled away from the hug and looked at me tears started forming in her eyes.
"I-Isn't that in the U.S.A?"
"I'm sorry...he's waiting for my reply I have till Monday to tell him."
"When would you l-leave?"
"W-Wedensday..." I said looking down.
"O-Oh...are you going?" She said tears streaming down her face.
"I don't know. Do you wan't me to go?"  I asked and looked up at her.

Y/n's P.O.V

"Do you want me to go?" Jimin asked and looked up at me.
"Jimin...what ever makes you happy is what I want."
"Then it's a..."



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