Chapter 17

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"Y/n I..."
"What lied?" Y/n said.
Tears were now coming down from her eyes.
"Y/n...can I please explain..."
"Explain what? That you lied to me...that you were paid to date me? That you don't actually care for me?! That you...that you used me?" She shouted tears kept falling from her eyes.
'I can see the hurt and pain in her eyes, how much it hurts much she actually cared for our relation ship...and all her pain causes me pain, all her hurt causes me to hurt, and the wy she cared for our relationship I care much more.'
"You tried yo hide it from me Jimin but I found out." She said throwing my journal on the counter.
"Whats that?" Yoongi asked.
"Why don't you ask Jimin?" She said looking at me pain in her eys clearly visable.
"It's a diary, I write all my deepest secrets in it."
Jin grabbed it opening up to the book marked page.

"Jin grabbed it opening up to the book marked page

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"Explain Jimin! Explain!"
"Fuck you I should've known." She said running out.
"Wait did you read the last part?!" Taehyung shouted.
"No! Why would I wanna feel more pain reading it!" She shouted about to leave.
Yoongi grabbed her wrist before she could leave.
"Read that last part." Yoongi said putting it in her hand.
She froze and looked down at it after a few minutes she walked out with the journal
"I knew this was gonna blow up in my face sometime!" I said running my hands through my hair.
I walked to the living room and sat on the couch I put my hands through my hair.
"What am I gonna do?!" I shouted. "What the fuck is wrong with me?!"
"Jimin it's not your fault." Taehyung said.
"Yeah, you didn't know this was going to happen." Jungkook said.

Y/n's P.O.V:

As I walked out Yoongi gave me the journal. I walked to the park, until it was dark the stars were out, I calmed myself down swinging on the swings, I pulled out the journal and decided to read the last part like Yoongi said. Tears started to run down my cheek on to the page of the journal I went on and flipped onto the next page seeing a drawing of me it looked beautiful, as I went on I saw other pictures of his parents and the other members tears started to pour down I was non-stop crying now. I decided to walk back to the dorm. As I was walking I accidentially bumped into a man with a black hood on.
"I'm so-"
"You have a nice body." The man smirked.
'I recognize that voice....Jinyoung?!'
"Jinyoung!" I shouted.
"Glad you remember me babygirl." He smiled.
"Jinyoung please, I'm pregnant." I said.
"Of course you are you slut dating every guy you meet." He said slipping his hand in my shirt.
"Jinyoung please." I pleaded as he pushed me into a corner.
"Mmm I missed your smell." He said moving his hands to my thighs. "And your thick thighs."
"Someone help?!" I pleaded tears flowing down. "Help! I need help, anyone please!"

It's alright babygirl we're gonna have a little fun okay?."
"Please Jinyoung I'm pregnant, you can't-"
He shoved me to my knees.
"Jinyoung please?!" I cried.
He started unzipping his jeans.
"Someone help please?" I cried out. "Help?! Anyone please?!"

Jimin's P.O.V:

All the guys were in their room but I was waiting for Y/n to come home.
'...I guess this will have to wait.' I thought looking at the diamond ring I bought.
I looked at the time on my phone seeing it was 12:00AM made me worried, Y/n's favorite place to relax was the park. As I was walking I heard someone sounded like they were crying, as I was walking the voice was more clear.
'I recognize that cry....Y/N!'
"Someone help?! Help! I need help, anyone please?!" I heard her yell.
"Y/n!" I shouted.
"Jinyoung please?!"
'Damn that fucking Jinyoung!'
As I ran I heard her cry again her voice was much more clear I could hear her crying I could hear her voice crying she was right around the corner.
"Someone help please? Help?! Anyone please?!" She cried.
I turned the corner revealing her on her knees and him pulling his jeans down. I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and turned him around.
"Don't ever fucking touch her!" I shouted and punched him.
He fell onto the ground and I kicked him in the balls.
"Jimin!" She cried and ran to me hugging me.
"It's okay baby I'm here."


A/n: Short but since I'm probably not gonna be able to update I just decided to give y'all at least a lil something

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