Chapter 12

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Author's P.O.V

Five weeks had passed and Y/n wasn't feeling good, her breast felt sore, she had headaches, she was craving certain foods (more then usual), and felt sick smelling perfume. Y/n checked the calendar to see the date.
"What?! My period was a week ago?!" Y/n shouted.
"I think....I think I'm pregnant."
Jimin laughed as Y/n stayed silent.
"'re being serious?"
"Yes, babe! What do we do?!"
"Take a test first."
Jimin and Y/n drove to the store that was a block away.
"Would you like you're recite?" The cashier asked.
"No thank you." They said as the walked to their car.
Y/n took the test and came out of the bathroom.
"...positive." Y/n started to tear up.
"Are you okay?" Jimin hugged her.
"Jimin I'm having a baby." Y/n said.
"I know, I'm sure, it'll be okay." Jimin reassured her.
"I know." Y/n kissed him and smiled.
" are we gonna tell the guys?"
"Well, let's go to the doctor tomorrow to get a check up and then if they say positive we'll tell the boys."
Next Day

"It's positive." The doctor said.
"Oh my god Jimin! We're having a baby!" Y/n started to cry.
After seeing the doctor they drove home. Jimin called all the guys to meet him home, as they walked in they saw the guys in the living room.
"Okay, this is important." Jimin said.
"Okay." They all said.
Y/n and Jimin sat on a couch beside eachother. Jimin held Y/n's hand, Y/n smiled and looked at him.
"I'm pregnant." Y/n smiled.
"I knew it!" Jin shouted.
"We're gonna be uncles!" The guys shouted.
"Wait how did you know Jin?"
"A mother's instinct...and I saw the pregnancy test...and also, you didn't use a condom last time!" Jin said.
They laughed.
"Well congrats!" The guys all shouted and hugged them.
"But one are you gonna tell you're parents?"
"We'll find a way." They smiled.
"Well, I guess there'll be another angle." Hoseok smiled.
"What are goona name her or him either way I'm excited!" Tae shouted.
"I already have to deal with all of you." Yoongi said.

Later That Evening

Y/n and Jimin called eachothers parents and asked to meet a resturaunt.
"Jimin, I'm nervous what if they make us break up?"
"It's okay, they wouldn't do that, okay?" Jimin reasured Y/n.
Soon the time came to meet up with their parents. Jimin and Y/n were nervous. They sat down and they all talked. They talked about work, bills, and other mature thing.
Y/n looked at Jimin nervous.
"Okay mom, dad, Mr. Park, Mrs. Park." Y/n started to tearing up, her hand shaking.
"I'll tell them." Jimin said and held Y/n's hand, knowing she was nervous. "We're having a baby."
Their dad's started to tear up and their mom's were crying.
"This is...very unexpected."
"I mean...we wish you would've waited till marriage." The Mr. Park and Mr. L/n said in sync.
"But we'll support you the whole way." Mrs. Park said as Mrs. L/n agreed.
"Thank you so much for supporting us." Y/n teared up as Jimin whiped her tears away.
"May I please have a word with you're son?" Y/n's father asked
"Yes, you may."
Y/n's father motioned Jimin to a hall around the corner.
"Son...please take care of my daughter, she means so much to me...I don't wanna loose her you got that?" Mr. L/n started to cry as well as Jimin.
"Of course, she means the world to me sir."
Mrs. and Mr. Park started to talk to Y/n.
"Please take care of our son, this is the first time he's been this happy in a while, please promise me you won't leave him?" Mr. and Mrs. Park started to cry as well as Y/n and her mother.
"I promise." She said as Mrs. Park held her hand.
Jimin came back with Mr. L/n and sat next to Y/n. They continued there dinner then said their goodbye's.
"Bye mom love you!" Y/n shouted to her parents, as her parents left.
Mr. and Mrs. Park walked up to Y/n and Jimin. Mrs. Park grabbed Y/n's hand and held It.
"If it's alright we would like to call you my daughter?"
"Of course." Y/n smiled.
As Y/n and Jimin walked to their car they said goodbye to Mrs. and Mrs. Park.
"Bye mom bye dad!" They both shouted as Mr. and Mrs. Park smile at what Y/n said.

Y/n's P.O.V

Before Jimin could open the door Jin creaked it open, only showing his face and body.
"Did you tell them?"
"Oh o-" Jin got cut off by Tae and Jungkook.
"We're ready."
"Oh okay." Jin opened the door al the way revealing a banner hung from the sealing reading congragulations.
"Aw thank you guys so much!" I started to tear up.
I hugged all the guys, as well as Jimin. They all smiled and each gave us a card.


Me and Jimin read the inside which said

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Me and Jimin read the inside which said...
"Congragulation's on you're new baby! I'm so happy for you guys, Jimin you are my best friend and Y/n you became my best friend too, if you ever need any help I am her for you, when you fall I'll help you up, when he or she doesnt listen I'll help disipline them, I love you guys, you guys are the best love you, sincerely, Namjoom."
"Aw Namjoon!" I cried as me and Jimin hugged him.

"JIN!!" Jimin shouted

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"JIN!!" Jimin shouted.
"Babe it's okay." I laughed.
'We read the note which read.
"Fuck you, I was supposed to have the first child, but I guess since you guys are then I'll help. Y/n you've become a sister to me, you are so kind and sweet, although you stole my precious child/brother, Jiminie pabo, you are still like a sister, I love you guys when I needed help you guys helped me so thank you, I love you, Jin."
"Aw Jin fuck you I love you!" Jimin said and we hugged him.

I read the front and smilled,"Me

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I read the front and smilled,
"Me." I looked at him and smiled.
"IT'S YOU'RE HOPE IT'S YOU'RE ANGEL J-HOPEEE!!! I guess we're having another angel yay!!! I'm sure you're baby will be beautiful/handsome, strong, and adorable! I can't wait to be an uncle and see our new angel! You truely did meet the one Jimin and I am so happy! Congragulations love you! - Hoseok"
"AW HOSEOK." Hoseok I cried and we hugged him.


A/n: Hey guys so I'm really sleepy~So I promise I'll update Tae, Jungkook's, and Yoongi's card tmrw! Love you bye~~

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