Chapter 19

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"Fine." I said.
"Hey n/n can you help me with the-"
"She's going with Jimin." Yoongi said.
"Yeah but the decorations."
"I said she is going with JIMIN." Yoongi said gritting his teeth together.
"Okay okay."
I smiled at Jin.
"It's okay I'll help you when I come back okay?" I smiled.
"Yes thank you Yoongi." He smiled.
"Wait can I change really quickly please?" I asked.
"Yes of course put on something beautiful." He smiled.
"Yeah something really pretty!" Yoongi smiled his gummy smile.
"Oh right I forgot I have to...go get something somewhere else Jin Hyung can you take her?"
"Oh....oh yeah, yeah, yeah." Jin smiled nervously.
'Thats really suspect...'
I walked to my room and looked in my closet...something really pretty.

Jin's P.O.V

"I almost forgot he was going to ask today." Jin said.
"You would have ruined everything.
"Wait he's asking today?!"
"Yes!" Yoongi shouted.
"I wonder how he'll ask?!" Tae smiled his rectangular smile.
"Shut up Tae!" Yoongi said covering his mouth.
"I wonder who'll be his best man..." Jin said.
"Me!" Tae and Yoongi said in sync.
"Me." Tae said.
"Yeah right." Yoongi scoffed.
"Who'd do you think will Jungkook? Me or him?" Tae glared at Yoongi.
"I honestly could care less." Jungkook shrugged.
"What are you guys arguing about."
"Abou-Oh honey no!" I said looking at her up and down.
"W-what? What's wrong with my outfit?"


"You can not go like well

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"You can not go like well...that."
"Aish let's just go and get the pizza." Y/n said.
"Nope." I grabbed Y/n and put her over my shoulder.
"Jin put me down!" She whined.
I opened the door to her room and tossed her on her bed.
"Okay let's see what you got..." I said looking in her closet. "What the hell?!"
"What?" She asked.
"Almost all you're clothe is black?!" I shouted.
"And Jimin's Fine with it."
" this Tae's?!" I said pulling out his red sweatshirt.
"Why do you have this?! Are you cheating o-"
"Wow! Hell no I love Jimin! One day it was raining and I was walking home without an umbrella and Tae saw me walking home and let me use it." She explained.
"Alright I'll believe you."
I continued looking in her closet.
"Where's you're pink?"
"Pinks GaY." She laughed.
"Then I must be gay!"
"Yeah for Namjoon." She smiled.
"Aish Shut u-perfect!" I said pulling out a dress.
"No...hell no!"
"Hell yeah." I smirked. "Put it on."
I walked out of her room and let her change. I walked to the living room and waited.
"Did you find something nice?"
"Yep it's perfect."
"You should changed into a tux to make it look nice." Namjoon said.
"Alright also once we leave you guys have to leave a few minutes after."
"Alright." Yoongi said.
I went to my room and quickly put on a tux.



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