Chapter 10

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We walked to the car leaving the movie theaters.

"Oppa!" I said wrapping my arm around Jimin's.

He chuckled.


"Can we go get ice creame please~"

"I can't say no to my babygirl."

"Yes!" I shouted.

We got to the car as we were getting in the car there was a man in the corner staring at me he had a black hat and was wearing all black clothes so I couldn't really tell who it was. I closed the door to the car and told them not to drive.

"Why?" Jin asked.

"You see that man in the corner?" I said pointing to the mine trying not to be noticed.

"Yeah?" They all said.

"He keeps staring at me. He was also there  when were walking in.."

"Oh you should have told us."  They all said.

They started to get out of the car.

"What are you doing?!" I asked.

They didn't reply.

"Aish!" I got out of the car and followed them.

They started to walk toward him.

"N-No stop." I said starting slightly seeing his face.

We finally came close enough to see who it was.


The boys surrounded me making sure he wouldn't do anything.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Namjoon asked.

"What Y/n doesn't talk about her love."

"I don't love you!" I said.

"Who are you?!" Jin asked.

"Jinyoung, I'm pleased to meet you."

I scoffed.

"Pleased my ass." I said rolling my eyes.

"Wait you're Jinyoung the one who hurt Y/n!" Jimin shouted.

"He hurt Y/n?!"

"What--When?" I said pretending not to know.

"Y/n why didn't you tell us?!" Jin said angrily.

"Seungcheol and Jimin knew I expected Jimin to tell you or Minhao to tell Kookie!"

"Okay fine, but who is he? Not his name but who?"

"He's her ex." Jimin said.

"Actually I don't have Ex's, I have Y's. Like Y the hell did I date you? Y'know?"


They all started to laugh. When we turned to look at Jinyoung he wasn't there.

"Shit we got distracted!" Namjoon said.

"Well I'm hella bored let's go."

"Bruh. So like you'r psycho ex...I mean Y leaves and we don't know where he is and all you can say is "Well I'm hella bored let's go"?" Tae said.

"Yup now lets go."

We walked to the car and drove home.

"So...can we sleep over at you're house Y/n?" Jungkook asked.

"Sure I don't care."

"Yes!" They shouted.

"Haha Wait we have to drive home first to get our pj's!" Tae said.

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