Chapter 14

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(Realllly short)


I woke up from a bright light hitting my eyes. I sat on my bed and stretched my arms. I looked to the side and saw Jimin sleeping. I layed back down and stared at Jimin. He looked so handsome even if he was sleeping, I'm so lucky to have a man like him. His eyes started to open and he smiled.
"How's my girl?" He smiled.
"Jimin we don't find out the gender till next week." I rolled my eyes.
"I meant you." He chuckled.
"Oh." I blushed. "I'm doing fine, I haven't felt sick in the mornings recently."
"That's good." He smiled. "Are you excited to find out the gender next week?"
It's been nine weeks since I've been pregnant and we should be able to find out our baby's gender next week.
"Yes. Very." I smiled.
I smelled bacon.
"Mmm. That bacon smells delicous."
"Then lets eat." He smiled.
We got off our bed and walked into the kitchen to see Jin cooking bacon, eggs, and waffles.
"Mmm, that smells delicous." I said smiling.
"You and Jimins plate is on the table." He said and smiled.
We sat on the table and waited for the guys to join us.
"Mmm I really want to eat."
"Babe you have to wait for the guys."
All the guys sat down with their food and I started stuffing my mouth. They all stared at me in shock.
"Wah?" I said pancakes stuffed in my mouth.
"N-Nothing..." Jin said.
"Stawp staring it's wude." Yoongi said, his mouth also stuffed with food.
We all contiued eating.
"So what do you think it's going to be?" Jimin asked them.
"A girl!" Tae shouted smiling.
"What about you Jungkook?"
"Girl. I don't wanna share." He said.
"Girl." Jin said.
"Boy." Namjoon said.
"Girl." Hoseok said.
"Boy or girl." Yoongi said. " I don't wanna change their diaper though."
"Woah only one person wants a doesnt care and five want a girl."

Time Skip to a Week
"Go, go!" Jin said shoving me and Jimin out to go to the doctor.
"We're going, we're going." We said.
Time Skip (again) to Doctors office

"Well we checked the test and it's a...."


A/n: Hope you guys enjoyed that short chapter so um...Imma let you guys vote on if you want it to be a boy or girl byeee~~

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