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I woke up on the ground, my head hurt like hell.
"Ugh what happened."
Everything came back to me all of a sudden. I checked my phone checking if it was real. I started crying again.

"He's gone!" I cried.

After crying a bit I got up.

"Okay his funerals tommorrow for now just forget about it." I said calming myself.

I went upstairs and found a nice outfit to change into.

(You'r Outfit)

(You'r Outfit)

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I can do this. He would wan't you to be happy. I grabbed my phone and called Seungcheol (my best friend). After calling him three times he answered.


"Oh my god Y/n are you okay?!"

"Haha yes I was just wondering if you wanted to hangout today?"

"Haha okay yeah sure I'm at work right now but do you want to meet up tonight?"


"Haha okay bye saranghae."


End of call

I sat down on the couch bored when I heard my phone ring it was from Jimin.


"Hey Jagiya!"

"Hey Oppa!"

"Do you wan't  to hangout tonight I'm at work right now but I can pick you up tonight."


"What? What's wrong?"

"I have plans tonight..."

"With who?!"

"Seungcheol...he's my best friend."

"Uh huh friends. Well bye I have to go."


*beep, beep, beep*

End Of Call

I just got in trouble with Park Jimin. Most girls would die to be his girlfriend. I decided to go to sleep and wait till tonight I played paper hearts by Jungkook and went to sleep.








I woke up and looked at the time it 9:00 PM. Hmm I did go to sleep late last night.

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