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The Newsies outside Pulitzer's office marched around the square, singing.

"And The World will know
We been keepin' score
Either they gives us our rights
Or we gives them a war
We've been down too long,
And we've paid our dues
And the things we do today
Will be tomorrow's news
And the die is cast,
And the torch is passed,
And the roar will rise,
From the streets below,
And our ranks will grow and grow and grow and-"

"Newsies of New York!..." Jack yelled, making everyone pause. "We won!" He shouted happily, making everyone, with the exception of the Delancey brothers and Pulitzer, whoop and cheer.

"And now, I would like to introduce my very own personal pal, Governor Theodore Roosevelt, himself." Jack clapped, and the governor stood beside him.

"Each generation must, at the height of it's power, step aside and invite the young to share the day. You have laid way to our world. Now, I believe the future, in your hands, will be bright and prosperous." Roosevelt said, before turning to Jack. "And your drawings, son, have brought another matter to end. Officers, if you please!"

A whistle blew, making everyone step aside and look to where it came from. .

"Hey, Jack, look! It's Crutchie!" Racetrack shouted.

"How ya doin', fellas?" Crutchie limped back into the square, making everyone gasp.

Ruth clamped a hand over her mouth, taking in the sight in front of her. Crutchie caught Ruth's eyes and smiled at her.

"Oh, and look, look what I got yas! A gift, straight from the refuge. hey, bring him in boys!" Crutchie called out.

The bulls dragged in Snyder, making all of the boys ooh and laugh.

"It's Snyder the Spider!" Racetrack mocked, and then smirked at the man who was meekly walking trough the square. He was incredibly angry at Snyder for all he put Ruth through.

"He ain't so tough no more, is he?" Mush laughed next to him.

"Jack, with those drawings, you made an eloquent argument for shutting down the refuge. Be assured that Mr. Snyder's abuses will be fully investigated. Officers, take him away." Roosevelt ordered.

"Please, Your Highness, may I do the honors?" Crutchie asked nervously.

Roosevelt nodded, smiling at Crutchie.

"You gotta be joking." Snyder scoffed.

Crutchie clicked the cuffs on Snyder's wrists. "Then you'll be laughing, all the way to the pen, little man. So long, sucker!" Crutchie used his bad leg to kick Snyder along.

Ruth stood behind Snyder, and he turned around, coming face to face with Ruth Davis. She sneered at him, as if he was the scum in the bottom of his shoe. "Your pathetic." She snapped, before pushing him toward the car that was to take him to prison.

"Oh, thank you, Governor!" Jack cried as he hugged Crutchie tightly.

"Hey, if one of your drawings convinced the Governor to close down the refuge, what about a daily political cartoon to expose the dealings in our own government back rooms? What do you say, Teddy? Care to have this young man's artistry shine a light behind your closed doors?" Pulitzer turned to look at Roosevelt, a smirk on his face.

"Hey, hey. Joe don't sweat it. With the strike settled, I should probably be hitting the road." Jack said slowly, making everyone turn to him.

"Don't you ever get tired of singing the same old tune? What's Santa Fe got that New York ain't? Sandstorms?" Davey asked, scrunching his eyebrows together. He wasn't about to let Jack slip away that easy.

"Or better yet: What's New York got that Santa Fe ain't?" Katherine put a hand in Jack's shoulder, and he looked down at her.

"New York's got us, and we're family." Crutchie smiled softly.

"Didn't I hear something about a strike getting settled? Papes for the newsies! Line up, boys! These papes ain't gonna sell themselves." Wiesel popped a cigar in his mouth.

"Come along, governor. Show me the back seat I've heard so much about." Medda winked, taking his arm.

Roosevelt let out a hearty laugh, and they walked away, deep in conversation.

"Well don't just stand there, you've got a union to run. Besides, didn't someone just offer you a pretty exciting job?" Katherine giggled.

"You mean working for your father?" Jack scoffed playfully.

"You already work for her father." Ruth clapped him on the back, before Racetrack pulled her away, holding her against his chest.

"...Oh yeah." Jack trailed off.

"And you've got one more ace up your sleeve." Katherine smirked.

Jack rose an eyebrow at the look on Katherine's face, "And what would that be?"

"Me. Wherever you go, I'll be there, right by your side." Katherine placed a hand on his shoulder, leaning into his side.

"For sure?" Jack asked.

"For sure." Katherine smiled.


"You gonna be alright?" Ruth pulled away from Racetrack's grip, and began to fix the collar of his shirt.

"As long as I'm thinkin' if you, I'll be perfect, Ruthie." He smiled, making her blush. He grabbed her hands from his shirt collar, and held them tightly.

"So, where does this leave us?" She asked him, looking deep into his blue eyes.

He grinned, "Ruthie Davis, the most amazing goil in the woild, do you wanna go steady?"

Ruth nodded, throwing her arms around his neck, and embracing him.

He pulled away slightly, fully aware of everyone staring at them, and kissed her deeply. They both heard whooping and laughing from some of the newsies. Mush cackled, patting Racetrack on the back.

"Yeah, Race!" Mush exclaimed.

"Don't take much to be a dreamer
All you do is close your eyes
But some made-up world is all you ever see
Now my eyes is finally open
And my dreams, they's average-size
But they don't much matter if you ain't with me." Jack turned to Katherine, and planted a kiss on her lips.

The boys oohed and whooped. Ruth cheered as loud as possible, making her cousin laugh once she broke away from Jack.

"Finally!" Ruth cried out, pumping her fists in the air. She turned to Racetrack, he pulled a penny out of his pocket, and put it in her hand. "Pleasure doing business with ya." She grinned widely, making him roll his eyes.

"You bet on us?" Katherine asked in shock.

"What can I say? He's infectious." Ruth giggled, turning to Racetrack.

"Well, Jack. Are you in or out, huh?" Davey asked, and the crowd went silent.

Jack walked up to Wiesel, and slapped down a coin for some papes. Everyone cheered loudly, making Katherine and Ruth beam with happiness.

"We'll all be out there
Carrying the banner man to man
We're always out there
Soakin' ev'ry sucker that we can
Here's the headline:
Newsies on a mission
Kill the competition
Sell the next edition
We'll be out there
Carrying the banner
See us out there
Carrying the banner
Always out there
Carrying the banner
Look at me!
I'm the king of New York!
I'm respectable
Starin' right at ya,
Lousy with stature!
Glory be!
I'm the king of New York!
Front page story
Guts and glory
I'm the king
of New York!"

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