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A/N: Oof. It's been a long time. 

"Oh Ruth! Come away from the window." Katherine fussed, smoothing out the wrinkles on the dress she wore.  "We must get going. Your mother will throw a fit." 

Ruth sighed, tearing her eyes away from the window that looked out onto the streets below. "Well then, I'd rather not leave my room." 

Katherine sat beside her cousin. "Oh come on." Katherine placed a hand on Ruth's shoulder. "I know you wanted him to come, but I'll be there, and your sisters, and even Jack. We are all there for you." 

"I know, I know." Ruth sighed, running a hand through her hair, "I had just hoped..." 

Ruth stood up and walked over to the mirror in her bedroom. She ran her hands along the fabric of her skirts, smoothing them out. She admired the dress her mother had picked out. It truly was a magnificent dress. The dark blue skirt was made of a solid dark blue base, with layers of blue sheer fabric that had been embroidered with tiny delicate flowers. The top was dark blue as well, with matching flowers decorating the fine fabric. 

Katherine had changed earlier, now wearing a pale pink dress with golden accents. A gold colored sash was tied around her waist. Her hair was pulled back and pinned behind her ears, showing off her face, which she had decorated wth rouge. She wore her mother's necklace around her neck, the small diamond laying delicately on her chest. Ruth knew Jack would swoon the moment he saw her tonight. She had once been giddy and excited at the idea of Race swooning when he saw her at the gala, but all thoughts of that had since faded from her mind. 

A prominent frown was plastered on Ruth's face. A year ago, she would have been ecstatic to attend her uncle's Christmas Gala, to dress up, to dance, to forget about the real world fora moment, but this year, it felt wrong to go without Racetrack. His invitation was collecting dust on her desk, his name haunting her as she looked at it. She had kept the letter tucked in her pocket every time she had visited him, hoping he'd be healthy enough for her to give him the piece of letter she had grown to resent. 

"Tonight will be amazing, Ruth. I promise." Katherine said, hugging Ruth from behind.


Despite her growing hatred for her uncle, Ruth had to admit that the Christmas Gala he threw at the end of the year was spectacular. 

The front doors were open, allowing the intoxicating scent of sugar cookies and glazed ham to waft out onto the streets. The usually cold and barren home of the Pulitzers was brought to life with hundreds of flickering candles, shining ornaments, and wonderful music. Katherine had to drag Ruth out of her apartment, and she all but tried to grab onto the banister and hold on for dear life. Katherine walked them through the front door, the men standing at the door waving them through. All of the sickly sweet and savory scents assaulted Ruth's nose. The fine chattering of older women who sipped on wine and sparkling cider in the parlor clashed with the upbeat music and laughing of younger couples who clung to each other as they twirled around the room. Katherine and Ruth made their way to the dining room, where enough food to feed a small country had been prepared. 

"Here, take this." Katherine handed her a glass of cider, as she glanced around the room, her eyes scanning for a specific figure. 

Ruth took a small sip, watching as Katherine's face fell and she looked at the ground sorrowfully. 

"Don't worry, Kat. He'll be here." Ruth comforted her cousin. "And if he isn't, I'll pummel him into the ground myself." 

Katherine smiled. "That makes me feel a little better." 

"Some men don't understand that a woman simply standing alone, doesn't mean she wants him to hound her until she dances with him." Alice huffed, downing her glass of wine in a manner that would make her mother faint if she saw. "Oh my, you two look wonderful." She gasped when she saw their dresses.

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