Jackson x Bambam (Got7)

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HIIIIIII I haven't been able to update very much cuz we had exams recently ;-; and my piano teacher frustrates me to the point that I pulled out a few hairs recently ;-; ANYWAYS just to avoid confusion, this oneshot is a soulmate au :3 i hope you like it <3, and please vote and comment, and request if you have any :3

~admin zuhoe


Jackson walked down the street, hands stuffed into his pockets. He ignored the stares of people as he walked past them. He ignored the ruffle he heard from people as the lifted up their sleeves to check if something had appeared on their arm. Namely, a tattoo. A tattoo that showed if you had found the one.

Bambam laughed along with his friends as they watched the movie that was playing. He saw a little heart on Youngjae's wrist, then up to Jaebum, who had his arms wrapped around his lover. Due to the forlorn feeling beginning to cloud his mind, Bambam decided to throw on a coat and take a walk.
"You guys need anything?"
"Ice cream."
"Okay." He picked up a pair of keys lying on the coffee table and proceeded out of the door, a slight frown on his face.

Jackson walked into the supermarket, sighing as he heard a squeal from beside him. Brushing off the woman next to him, he walked towards the dairy aisle. He had decided not to care about his figure as much. Anyways, a tub of Ice cream couldn't hurt. Throwing aside the unhealthiness of the food in question, Jackson scanned the freezer to see which flavours were there. His eyes stopped on a tub of cookie dough. Mouth watering slightly, he reached out for the tub. He reached out, only for his hand to come into contact with someone else's. He looked up and saw a teen. A teen with slightly chubby but cute cheeks and a shock of red hair. He instantly retracted his hand, as did Bambam.
"Oh...I'm sorry, you can have it."

Jackson smiled as Bambam's cheeks flushed lightly and he turned around to search for more flavours. Jackson picked up the tub, a small shiver running through his body as his fingers came into contact with the freezing material. He tapped the boy's shoulder. He stared straight into the younger's eyes as he handed him the ice cream.

"Its okay. You can have it..." Jackson didn't end his sentence, intending to find out the other's name.
"Okay, Bambam. You can have it."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." Smiling brightly at Jackson, he carefully took the tub and walked to the counter. Moments later, Jackson heard Bambam's adorable voice thanking the cashier, and then the sound of a door being opened and closed as he walked out of the store. Jackson shoved his hands back into his pockets out of habit, not noticing the slight tingling sensation in them. Bambam walked down the street, a cheesy smile plastered onto his face as he looked down at the bag containing the tub of ice cream. He didn't notice the patch of skin on his wrist tingle slightly as he readjusted his grip on the bag.

Sighing as he heard screams from behind the door, Bambam pushed it open, only to find a flustered Youngjae, messy haired Jaebum and a pissed off Jinyoung.

"Hyung? What-"
"These two...idiots decided to start a make out session on the couch as soon as I left to go to the toilet. I could hear them from the toilet, Bambam." Jinyoung turned back to the couple as he continued speaking. "I don't want to be a witness of you defiling my innocent son. Also, can't you wait to-" Jinyoung stopped halfway through his lecture as he spotted the small sign on Bambam's wrist. He froze and his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates until Bambam finally understood and looked down, immediately screaming as he saw the tattoo now engraved into his skin.
"Who...who is it?"
"I don't know." Bambam racked his brains, trying to think of who could possibly be the one. He let out an audible gasp upon remembering the man from the supermarket. He realised that he hadn't bothered to ask his name. Letting out a noise of frustration, Bambam slipped his shows back on and flung the door open, immediately breaking into a fast jog to the supermarket.

Jackson got home, and was greeted once again by a heavenly scent coming from the kitchen. He sniffed at it lightly, then realised that Mark was cooking ramen. He screamed the latter's name, cheerful yet slightly annoying personality surfacing once again.

"OKAY. I'LL GET OUT THE PLATES AND STUFF." Mark huffed as Jackson refused to stop screaming, eyes moving back to the ramen he was cooking. Jackson sprinted into the kitchen and shuffled through the drawers, trying to find chopsticks to use.

"What at you doing, Jackson?"
"Looking for chopsticks."
"They're in the top shelf, idiot."
"Ohhhhh." Jackson looked around and spotted the shelf Mark had been talking about. Due to his short height, he streched his arms up and his feet lifted slightly off the ground. His t-shirt's sleeve slipped down slightly as he pulled out the chopsticks from the back of the cabinet. He screamed as he felt a hand grab his wrist.

"What the hell, Mark?!"
"Your wrist... it's got a mark." Jackson's eyes widened as he flicked his wrist out of Mark's grip and held it up for inspection. Upon seeing the newly engraved tattoo on his wrist, a cold shiver washed over his whole body. He remembered the boy from earlier - Bambam. A pang of realisation hit him harder than puberty hit Jungkook. Smacking his head in frustration, he ran back to the store.

Bambam frantically ran through each aisle, searching for the boy he had met earlier. The ray of hope seemed to slowly diminish as each second passed, anguish beginning to enclose upon Bambam. After ten minutes of searching the shop and the vicinity, he finally gave up.

Jackson thought about where the boy could be. Definitely not still at the store, but maybe somewhere nearby? Making up his mind about where to go, he increased his stride as he, once again, shoved his hands into his coat pockets. As hr pondered the idea of Bambam being hid lover, he didn't notice a sniffling boy cross the street, a few yards in front of him. He didn't see the boy walk towards the open gates of the park.

Bambam meandered around the park, dabbing at the gate to relieve his stress, until he found his favourite spot - a bench underneath a grove of trees. He tested his tired body as he leaned back, breathing in the smell of a recent downpour. A sudden jolt of electricity ran through him as he heard someone call his name.

Jackson had noticed the boy only after he dabbed in front of the park gates. Eyes widening as he realised that was Bambam, he brokw into a run and began looking around the said park for the boy. He saw an enclosed area of trees. Dismissing it, he turned to walk away until he heard a small sniff and a ruffle of leaves. He stepped through the overhanging branches and saw Bambam leaning against a bench, stating at his wrist. He slowly approached him. Bambam turned around at the sudden noise and immediately stood up as he saw Jackson. Tears welled up in his eyes as the elder opened his arms wide, almost as if he was welcoming Bambam's entrance into the former's life.

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