Lucas X Jungwoo (NCT)

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First things First, (I'm the realest ;) no but WHH WOULD SM MAKE A GROUP WITH 18 PEOPLE IN IT IT TOOK ME LIKE A WHOLE MONTH TO LEARN THEIR NAMES AND FIGURE OUT WHO'S WHO anywhoo, I decided to write a oneshot during these desperate times of revision. KSKSKSKS I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATING AT ALL RECENTLY AND URGH LIFE. Anyways hope you enjoy this :3

~admin zuhoe


He was in the worst situation possible. Laughs surrounded him, a weird smell wafted up his nose as bodies pressed against him.

And then, Jungwoo giggled.

Who knew such a small thing could make Lucas so soft. Trying to be subtle, Lucas looked to the side and saw Jungwoo watching the movie, expression changing along with the different scenes. Hearing another small laugh, Lucas looked down and saw Johnny and Ten huddled together on the floor in a fluffy blanket, cuddling. Sighing, he discreetly shifted slightly towards Jungwoo, slowly closing the small gap between them.

"Hey, Jungwoo, come help me with the drinks," Doyoung shouted from the doorway. Jungwoo nodded and got up, leaving behind a slightly deflated Lucas.


Eyes widening, Jungwoo grabbed his hair in frustration. Slightly alarmed, Lucas placed his hands over Jungwoo's clenched fists, squeezing them lightly. Jungwoo loosened his grip and eventually let go of his hair.
"You'll get it soon, don't worry."
"But it's..."
"Urfh." Jungwoo crossed his arms and pouted slightly, annoyed at his adorable yet frustrating accent that wouldn't let him pronounce Lucas' name correctly. Cursing inwardly, he leaned on the younger's shoulder and let out a sigh, unaware of the blush creeping up Lucas' face. Within minutes, Lucas was able to hear Jungwoo's quiet snores, and gradually fell asleep himself, arm encircling Jungwoo's shoulders.

"ShhHhhhHhhHHHhh! You'll wake them up."
"Get your phones out this is good blackmail material."
"Okay, okay." Jungwoo, in his half awake state, heard voices that eventually faded into silence. Smiling to himself, he went back to sleep. However, seconds later -
"AAAAAAAAARGHHH!" Lucas jumped up, accidentally pushing Jungwoo off the sofa with a thud. Rubbing his eyes, he apologised to Jungwoo and helped him back up.
"Whoops. I left my flash on." Multiple sighs and 'Jesus Haechan's were heard as Haechan awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. In an effort to escape the awkward silence, he hopped over to his boyfriend, who was standing by the window.

Within ten minutes everyone was wrapped in scarves, fluffy hats, waterproof gloves and multiple layers. They stormed down the stairs and out into the snow. Jungwoo hopped behind Lucas, wearing gloves and a scarf that was a little bit too big, but looked cute all the same.
"Hey, Jungwoo!" Upon hearing his name, he turned and saw Lucas pointing towards something.
"No one's walked on this patch yet!" Laughing, Jungwoo grabbed Lucas' hand and the ran down to the fresh patch of 'snow'. Doyoung watched from behind, shaking his head but following them all the same, phone in hand, ready to film.
"This isn't snow."
"Whoops." Jungwoo elbowed Lucas slightly, pouting as he cautiously made his way across the car park, trying not to slip on the ice. Lucas nudged him back, forgetting about the fact that Jungwoo was a lot smaller than him. The latter slid, and in an attempt to steady himself instead ended up falling on his butt. He grabbed onto Lucas' shoulder to pull himself back up, sticking his tongue out at Doyoung, who was filming the incident and laughing his head off.


An hour later, they were all back in the living room, watching the video doyoung had taken and laughing at Jungwoo.

"How did you manage to do that?" Haechan wheezed between laughs. Pouting slightly, Jungwoo got up and made his way to the kitchen to make himself a cup of hot chocolate.

"Jungwoo?" Jungwoo hummed in response. Seconds later giggles left his lips as he felt a pair of arms snaking their way around his waist. He felt a chin on his shoulder and reahed up to ruffle Lucas' soft hair.

"Did you make me some?"
"Hmph. No."
"But Jungwoooo-" Lucas' whining was cut off by a mug being thrusted at his mouth and he gratefully took it and sipped at the hot chocolate.
"Thanks babe."
"B-babe?" Jungwoo blushed at the new nickname, not noticing how shocked Lucas was at his own confidence. Taking the cup back, he made his way back to the living room.

"We should watch anabelle."
"No, we should watch death note."
"BARBIE LIFE IN A DREAMHOUSE." All eyes turned to sicheng, who was blushing madly at the show he'd just suggested. Everyone shrugged and Yuta ruffled a red Sicheng's hair as Donghyuck put on episode 1 of season 1 of barbie life in a dreamhouse. The theme song blasted through the tv, and, to Jungwoo's dismay, the rambunctious group of boys began screaming along to it. Huffing loudly, jungwoo snuggled into his blanket.

Lucas stopped singing when he saw Jungwoo's slightly irritated expression. His eyebrows creased slightly, and he shuffled closer to Jungwoo, wrapping a comforting arm around the other."
"They never shut up, do they?" Jungwoo mumbled darkly, voice muffled due to the fact his face was stuffed against a pillow. Lucas smiled slightly as Jungwoo snuggled into his side, attempting to block out the noise. Lucas' smile grew and he pulled Jungwoo closer.

That was a very odd place to end, but oh well. Firstly, thanks everyone for the (almost) 4k on our first oneshots book :'3 *wipes tear dramatically* and secondly I'm so sorry about the slow updates. I've been getting a shit ton of homework and my sleep schedule is non existent. I'll try to update more regularly once I get everything sorted out but for now updates are going to be slow. Thank you for reading this though uwu

 Thank you for reading this though uwu

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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