Chen x Xiumin (EXO)

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Hello people reading this. Firstly, Thanks for reading this and secondly I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN AGES I WAS SICK AND WE JUST HAD EXAMS ;_____________; Also, me and admin Hyungsock were thinking of making a few Christmas themed oneshots :3 any ideas? If you do, please comment or message us :3 anywhoozles, I hope you like this and please vote and comment :3
~admin zuhoe


Xiumin waddled to his café, humming brightly to himself. Wrapped up in a scarf and mulitple layers didn't leave much space for movement. He breathed out heavily and saw a puff of white air circle the area in front of his lips. A squeal suddenly sounded from behind him. He turned his neck as much as his fluffy scarf would allow him, and he smiled as he saw a man down on one knee, proposing to a girl. He looked up from the heartwarming scene and took notice of a man across the road, who also seemed to be wistfully watching the couple. Sighing happily, Xiumin continued making his way to his cute store.

Chen exited his house, a frown once again plastered on his face after a call from his girlfriend. She had turned him down for yet another date. He hadn't even been able to tell her what he had planned. Due to the constant ache in both his head and heart, he decided to take a walk.

Xiumin giggled at the sound of keys as he opened the door to his cozy store. He jumped in and immediately switched on the lights and heating. Singing an upbeat song, he tied the ribbon of his apron around his almost girlish waist. He grinned widely as he heard the melodic jingle of a bell, indicating that his colleague and best friend, Baekhyun had come in. However, he was surprised when he saw Baekhyun holding hands with an extremely tall, yoda-eared but still adorable looking guy.
"Hi Minnie hyung! This is Chanyeol." Chanyeol bowed to Xiumin, who reciprocated the action. He smiled as he remembered the number of times Baekhyun had fawned over Chanyeol.
"You know Baek used to come to me for advice on how to ask you out." Xiumin smiled at Baekhyun, who glowered a bit at him but softened when Chanyeol wrapped his arm around his waist and bent down to kiss him on the cheek. Xiumin's heart clenched a bit as he walked to the door, hearing the couple's cute arguments behind him.

Chen continued down the street, hands in his pockets. He'd been walking for an hour, and a whirlwind of thoughts and ideas was still spinning through his mind. He heard the jingle of bells and turned to face the other side of the street. He saw the place he had been wanting to take his girlfriend - it had recently opened, and already had amzing reviews. Steeling himself, he crossed the road and entered the café. The man behind the counter looked up at him and smiled. Chen blushed as he saw how cute the boy was - his round cheeks, pretty eyes and the glasses perched on his nose suited his features perfectly. Chen made his way to the counter and looked up at the options printed on the wall behind the boy, who had gone back to making coffee. Finally, he made his decision on what to have and made to order it. He paid the adorable barista and was about to walk off when the person in question spoke, a pen in hand, poised to write something on a plastic cup.
"May I know your name please?"
"CHEN?" A girl's voice sounded from behind and Chen whipped around, coming face to face with his girlfriend. His girlfriend who was sitting extremely close to another guy. Chen looked down and saw the interlocked fingers and a mix of anger and sadness bubbled up inside him. He stormed out of the café, regretting his rash decision of going there.

Xiumin watched as the girl dismissed Chen and continued talking to her new boyfriend. He sighed as they left moments later, leaving a mess on the table they had been sitting at. He walked out from behind the counter and made his way to clean the table. However, he tripped after not noticing the wallet that had fallen on the floor. Deciding it was wisest to pick it up, Xiumin did so and opened it. He saw a picture of Chen with a little kid. Smiling warmly at the picture, he stepped out of the café, shouting to tell Baekhyun.
"Baek! I'm going out for a bit, please manage the store and don't do weird stuff with Chanyeol." Baekhyun blushed, flustered, but nodded and made his way to where Xiumin had been standing earlier.

Xiumin ran out of the café, apron still tied around his waist. He looked right and left, only catching sight of Chen as the former took a turn at a fork in the path, disappearing from view. Xiumin sprinted to where Chen had been. He saw the guy walking slowly down the road, looking down at the pavement.
"CHEN!" He turned around as soon as the name left Xiumin's lips. His eyes widened as he saw the wallet in the barista's hand. Xiumin walked to him, arm outstreched.
"Thank you so much, ..."
"Xiumin." Chen nodded and placed the wallet carefully inside his pocket. He looked Xiumin up and down, noticing that he was wearing casual clothes with just an apron on top.
"Aren't you cold?"
"No, not-" Xiumin's words were interrupted as he sneezed. Chen looked down at the shivering person in front of him. He gently held Xiumin's shoulder and began leading him back to the store.
"It-it's okay. You can go, I'll be fine."
"No. You got cold because of me. I owe you a coffee on me, okay?"
"I own the store, silly." Xiumin giggled and Chen blushed due to the embarrassment and partly because of Xiumin's cuteness.
"I'll still pay for your drink." Xiumin giggled and walked back to the café, Chen at his side.

"Minnie hyung! Where did you-oh." Baekhyun understood as he saw the male standing behind Xiumin. The former led Chen to a table near the window and motioned for him to sit down. Chen surveyed the elder carefully, to see if he was showing any signs of sickness.
"Are you feeling okay?"
"I'm fine." Chen saw Xiumin's slightly red nose and decided to go but him something.
"Stay here, okay?" Xiumin nodded as Chen walked to the counter and ordered hot chocolate. During his visit to the counter, he learnt that the other barista, Baekhyun, was good friends with Xiumin, who owns the store. Thanking Baekhyun, he carefully picked up the drink and took it back to his table. He chuckled as he saw Xiumin's eyes sparkle at the sight of hot chocolate and marshmallows. Chen held the large cup out to Xiumin, who gratefully took it from him. Both blushed as their fingers brushed lightly against each other. Clearing his throat, Xiumin asked Chen about earlier.
"It's okay if you don't wanna tell me. But sometimes it's better to get it off you shoulders."
" girlfriend had been ditching me on multiple occasions, so I thought she was busy with college or something. But...yeah. You saw." Xiumin nodded and reached for Chen's hand, placing his own on top of his. Chen looked at Xiumin, who was smiling at him. A light tint spread across his cheeks as he listened to Xiumin's words, not fully comprehending them. He watched Xiumin's mouth form sentences he couldn't hear due to the muffled beating of his heart pounding in his ears. He smiled unconsciously, which Xiumin returned. The two sat there, in front of the window, ignorant snow swirling behind them, too busy in their own world.

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