Wonwoo x Mingyu (SEVENTEEN)

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HOLA CHICAS I'm sososososo sorry it's been ages since I've updated ;_____; I'll try to update a bit more from now on :3 anyways, I hope you like this and we're still open to requests ;3

~admin zuhoe
Mingyu frustratedly ran his hand through his hair as he opened his fridge, only to come face to face with empty shelves. He made a mental note to kill Jun, his roommate, the next time he sees him. Living in a dorm had it's downsides - and in this case, the downside was a shortage of food (caused by Jun). Cursing under his breath, Mingyu picked up his keys, slipped on a jacket and began making his way to the nearby store to pick up some snacks. Exiting the building, he winced as cold air hit him straight on. Readjusting his hood, he quickened his pace.

Wonwoo slipped on his uniform and went to stand behind the counter. He sat down and looked around - the store was empty. It was probably going to stay empty, since it was about 12 am. Deciding that he might as well catch up on his favourite shows, Wonwoo pulled his phone out of his pocket and began watching, looking around to check his boss was definitely gone.

"Do you want anything, Jun?"
"What? Where are you?"
"I'm going to the convenience store."
"Oh. Thanks hyung. Can you get ramen?"
"Sure. Anything else?"
"That's it. Wait, maybe one or two packets of those spicy crisps."
"What time will you be back?" Mingyu asked the younger.
"Probably early morning. I'm with everyone else." Mingyu shook his head, thinking that it was useless to ask where Jun was - he was almost always either with Minghao or anyone else in their group of friends.
"Okay. See you tomorrow. Don't get too wasted." Jun laughed and replied with a 'I won't'. Smiling slightly, he put the phone back in his pocket.

Wonwoo, so far, had had no customers. He was happy sitting at the till, watching episodes of The Unit. He forgot that he was still at work. He didn't notice as someone pushed the door open slowly and slipped into the store, not taking notice of the boy who was meant to be working. Mingyu went straight to the ramen section, not having to think about where to go since he had been there so many times. He picked up ten packets of spicy ramen (two guys needed a lot to eat, okay) and two bottles of coke. He was just looking around for anything that seemed tasty, when he heard a shout.

Wonwoo didn't notice as a second person walked in either. He didn't notice as the second person walked towards him, fuming. He noticed, however, when the person in question slammed his hand on the till, right in front of Wonwoo. The surprised boy jumped slightly, dropping his phone, head shooting up to look at his boss. His boss who had turned red and had metaphorical steam pouring from his ears. Too shocked to speak, Wonwoo got up and bowed.

Mingyu jumped as he heard a bang come from the front of the shop. Curious and slightly worried, he tiptoed dramatically to the aisle second from the till. He peeked from behind the shelf and saw the back of a man as he screamed at the man behind the till, spit flying everywhere. The employee was looking at the floor, ears slightly red, hands clasped. Mingyu was about to walk away when he heard another loud noise. Except this time it wasn't like before. The employee was staring at his boss, as his cheek had turned slightly red. The man in front of him heaved, looking down at the expressionless boy.
"I never asked for this job."
"I said that I never asked for this job."
"YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE -" The man raised his hand again, presumably to slap his employee again.

Wonwoo looked at the man, nothing in his gaze but pure hatred. He braced himself for the next stinging slap on his cheek. He closed his eyes as his boss' hand swung towards his face. But he never felt it. Opening his eyes, he saw a tall guy holding his boss' wrist.

Mingyu rushed forward as he saw the man swing his hand down again. He caught his wrist in time, before it came into contact with the boy's cheek that was still tinted with the force of the previous slap. He held his ground and tightened his grip on the man's wrist as he turned around to face Mingyu.
"Who do you think you are, huh? Get your bloody hand off me!" The man shook his arm and Mingyu let go, aware of the redness where he had been holding it. Mingyu turned back to see if the employee was okay, but all he saw was shelves. The door slammed and a rush of wind entered the store.
"Great. Now I won't see-" the man's ramblings were drowned out as Mingyu quickly zipped up his coat and stepped into the night. He saw a figure sneaking off towards his right, and decided to follow it. Making sure he didn't let the other out of sight, Mingyu crept behind him, wondering where he was going.

Wonwoo had had enough. If he didn't leave soon, he would explode. Deciding to go and calm himself down, he snatched up his jacket and began making his way to where he usually goes when he needs some space and time to think. In the dark about the person following him, he made his way to Han River.

Mingyu saw where the guy was going and jogged so he was walking in step with him. He saw Wonwoo flinch slightly, but then relax as he realised who was next to him.
"What do you want, Mingyu?"
"To help you."
"You already did. Thanks." Wonwoo went and sat on a stone step, taking a deep breath as Mingyu sat right next to him. They were so close that their shoulders were touching. Wonwoo could feel the heat radiating from Mingyu, and he leaned into it slightly, not realising what he was doing.
"Who was that? Why didn't you do something?"
"It was-"
"He was hitting you and you just stood there, Wonwoo. You should stand up for yourself."
"I can't. Unless I want to be disowned."
"That's my dad, Mingyu." Mingyu's jaw dropped slightly, feeling sorry for his friend's situation.
"Well... I know! You can come live with me." Wonwoo giggled slightly as he heard the thoughtful tone in his friend's voice. Leaning till his head was on Mingyu's shoulder, Wonwoo sighed. Mingyu blushed slightly at the contact, but wrapped his arm around Wonwoo's shoulders. He felt his friend's breathing slowly even out as he fell asleep.
"Did I ever tell you how much I like you Wonwoo?"
"Did I ever tell you how much I like you, Mingyu?" Mingyu stiffened slightly, surprised that Wonwoo was awake and had heard what he said. Wonwoo sighed once again and sat up.
"And for the record, no you haven't."
"I...I like you."
"I like you too, Mingyu. Now let me sleep." The two fell into their previous positions, except this time their lips were curved up into small smiles, thinking about what the other had just said.

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