Chapter 9

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•Seokjin's POV•

"I was lost in my thoughts that time, please forget about what I said. I'm really sorry."

I sent her a message a few days ago. I waited long for her reply. Negative. She must have felt really awkward that time. It was too sudden, I know... for her.

But for me, it's different. I have been keeping it inside me for a very long time. I wanted to walk with her. I wanted to hold her hands as tight as I can. Tight that no one can ever take her away from me.

I wanted to look at her face even more. I wanted to know more of what she likes and what she doesn't.

That night was the best. Everytime I made her chuckle, felt like there were butterflies in my stomach.

She looks really pretty wearing that smile.

But that night, I was caught off by my own feeling of giddiness. I was too happy that I spouted my feelings at her, without even thinking of what she may feel.

I was so selfish and hungry... Selfish to let her know what I feel... Hungry to know what she would feel.

I must have waited a little bit more.


After lunch time, I rushed to the next building for my photography class. Other than being my favorite subject, it was a time that is given a treasure.

It's the only time where I can spend most with Soo Jin.

I still can't tell if she'd feel awkward or not of what happened a week ago, but I'll try to take the awkwardness away.

I entered the room and it was a bit early. I looked around, and in just a second, I found her sitting on her seat. I smiled as if it's already a routine everytime I see her.

Though feeling a bit nervous, my heart is fluttering just seeing her.

I walked towards her and greeted her with the same energy I always have.

"SOO JINNIEEEEE!!!!!", I grabbed the chair beside her and took a sit.

She was shocked a bit. Cute. It made me chuckle a little bit.

She smiled at me. "H-hey Jin...", she ended with a small laugh.

I saw her eyes moved away from my direction. She couldn't look at me. A cue for me to tell that she really felt awkward with me.

I sat upright to look in front. "Sorry for being aggressive. If it made you feel awkward, please forget everything what I said."

I looked at her, and surprisingly, she returned to look at me.

She looks like she wanted to say something, but she couldn't start it. I don't want to make it hard for her, so I smiled and pat her head.

"I'm not forcing you to give me an explanation or any justifications. You don't owe me anything. Just pretend that night didn't happen.", I smiled.

She still looks troubled. She looked down, and I felt her a bit uneasy.

"If you're troubled because you think you've hurt my feelings... then let me assure you that you didn't.", I reassured her.

She looked at me once again and later sent me a smile. "Noted Jin...", she giggled.

I felt a bit better after that. Not because of my unrequited feelings, but because seeing her happy, and spending time with her more without feeling awkward is better than me, being selfish and pushy for my own good.

I sat beside Soo Jin the whole time. I also noticed that YoonHa was absent, so I took that chance to sit beside her until class was finished.


"Wanna go to BBQ for dinner?", I texted Namjoon, as soon as my last class was finished.

It was already six in the evening and I was starving... Talking about Physical Education being my last class.

A went to my locker to get my things, as I waited for my best bud's reply. I sat on the bench and not long, my phone rang.

"Sorry bro, not today... Something's up."
It was Namjoon's reply. I chuckled a bit and sent him a reply.

"What is up? ;p "

I stood up and got my bag on my back as I started walking.

"You know. The girl I've been telling you. ;) I'll tell you about her soon! We'll eat BBQ by then!!" Namjoon followed.

I shook my head and laughed a bit. I was composing a message for him, when I saw Soo Jin in the corner of my eye.

I looked up to her direction and squinted my eyes to see if it's really her.

She was walking a bit fast, like she was not supposed to be late to where she is going to. I tried to follow her.

I was supposed to call her when a guy came running towards her. I came to a halt as I started to see the guy's face clearly.

I saw her bowing down at him. Is she saying sorry? For being late?

I saw this guy waved his hand as if telling her it's nothing.

My heart pounded painfully. Just the sight of her being with some other guy makes me feel hurt.

They look so happy. Do they know each other? They started walking together... In the same direction. Where are they going to?

Knowing it's wrong to do this, I started to follow them secretly. It's impossible to hear what they're talking about from our distance, but they seem to talk casually.

It took them a couple of minutes until they reached their destination. It was a house. Is it Soo Jin's home?

I saw Soo Jin giving him a bow, and later waving goodbye at him. I read her lips uttering a "thank you".

Soo jin then entered their gate and went inside.

I got my phone from my pocket, as I started walking back. Rather than feeling hurt, I felt more like, challenged. I haven't replied to him yet, right?

I changed my mind.

I like her.

I want her.

No one can ever take her away from me anymore.

"I'm interested. Why don't you bring her when we eat BBQ next time? ;)"

I sent Namjoon a text.

-End of Chapter 9-

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