25. Mullette

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Lafayette grit his teeth as he heard the door of the apartment swing open, anger boiling in him.  As footsteps neared the living room where Laf was sitting impatiently, Hercules appeared in the doorway, a smile on his face.  "Hey baby," he greeted, starting towards Lafayette with open arms.

"Do not 'Hey baby' me, Hercules," Lafayette snapped, glaring up at his boyfriend, who stepped back, noticing Laf's anger.  "Where have you been?!  I've been waiting for you for hours, I cooked dinner, which I had to put away because it was getting cold, I cleaned so the apartment would look nice for you.  I thought maybe we could cuddle and watch a movie, but I'm fed up."

"Laf, sweetheart-"

"Herc," Lafayette looked down, sighing.  "If you're cheating on me, just say so.  I don't want you to have to keep lying to me if there's someone else," Hercules stared at Lafayette, wide-eyed, caught off guard by the accusation.  "So is there someone else?"

Hercules sat down next to Lafayette on the couch.  "I've been taking on extra shifts, Laf.  I haven't been cheating on you, I can't believe you'd think I'd do that to you."

Lafayette frowned, "Why have you been doing extra shifts, it's not like we need extra money."

Hercules glanced up at Lafayette, taking a deep breath.  "Because I'm saving up for an engagement ring.  I want to get you something nice for when I ask you to marry me," Lafayette chuckled, assuming Hercules was joking.  But when Hercules looked up at him with serious eyes, his laughter came to an abrupt stop. 

"You want to marry me?" Lafayette asked in awe, his lips parting in shock.

"Of course I want to marry you Laf," Hercules smiled, taking his lovers hand.  "I love you more than anything, you know that," Lafayette threw his arms around Hercules' neck, hugging him as tight as he could.  "I guess there's no surprise anymore, baby doll," Hercules chuckled, wrapping his arms around Lafayette's waist.

"I don't care," Lafayette mumbled,  kissing every inch of Hercules' face, making the larger man grin. 

"So that's a yes?" Hercules asked, staring into Lafayette's eyes.  "I'm still going to get you an engagement ring, and propose properly, but you will say yes right?"

Lafayette grinned, kissing Hercules softly.  "Of course I will."

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