33. Leerens (part one)

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John sat to in his bed, glancing over to the other side of the room where his roommate, Alexander, slept. "Please don't wake up, please don't want up," John mumbled as he gently swung his legs over the side of the bed, trying to be as quiet as possible as he stood up, heading over to his closet, sifting through it, shoving a few clothes into his backpack before sipping it shut. He pulled on a sweatshirt, pulling the hood over his chocolate brown curls, sneaking out of the dorm, careful not to wake Alex as he shut the door behind him.

He traversed through the empty hallways of the dorm building. He could hear the faint sound of music playing, undoubtedly one of 'King' George's parties. Though John paid no attention to that, parties weren't really his scene, and besides, he had more important things to worry about, like getting to his boyfriend's dorm.

He could still hear the drone of the party as he neared Charles' door, making him wonder how long it would be before campus security cams to stop the ruckus. John knocked on the white painted door, eagerly fumbling with his hands until it opened, a smiling Charles behind it.

"Hey Charlie," John smiled, waiting before he was inside of the room with the door shut behind him to wrap his arms around Charles' neck, giving him a long, sweet kiss.

"Hey baby," Charles grinned, placing a hand on the small of John's back, the other threading through John's soft curls. Though the happiness of finally having his boyfriend in his arms still welled in him, he couldn't help but frown, pulling away from John's embrace. He sat down on the bed, patting his lap, waiting until John sat on his lap, cuddling into him to say what had been on his mind for practically hours. "You said you were coming over earlier, baby boy."

"I know, but Alex would have asked me where I was going, and you know I can't tell him about us, and I'm a really horrible liar," John mumbled, his voice almost a whisper as he rested his head in the crook of Charles' neck.  The dispute between Alex and Charles was infamous at the college.  Alexander hated Charles more than anything, and John was 99% sure Alex would be pissed if he found out that his worst enemy was dating his best friend.

"John, sweetheart, you can't just hide our relationship from him forever.  He's going to find out eventually, and he'll be way more angry if he finds out from someone other than you," John looked down, avoiding Charles' eyes.  "And besides, I hate having to walk around and not be able to express how much I love you, baby dolls. I want to get to go on dates with you and not have you be worried someone is going to see us. Don't you want to get to walk around campus with my arm around you? Don't you want to stop sneaking out just to spend the night with me?"

"Yeah, I really do Charles, but Alex-"

"Stop worrying about Alex, John," Charles stated, grabbing John's hand, giving it a tight squeeze. "Are you happy with me?" John nodded, looking into Charles dark eyes. "Then tell Alex that. If he can't deal with the fact that you're happy as my boyfriend then he doesn't deserve to be your friend," John nodded, sighing as he buried his face in Charles' chest. Just the thought of having to tell Alex about his secret relationship made him want to throw up out of stress. Charles was very attentive to John's emotions practically every second, so it was easy for him to tell that the pressing conversation was making him anxious. "Hey," Charles said softly, rubbing John's back. "How about we worry about this in the morning, peaches? We can cuddle, would you like that?"

Charles waited for John to nod before standing up, setting John down on the bed gently. He pulled off his shirt and jeans, replacing them with a pair of sweatpants. He turned back to John, who held his arms out almost routinely. Charles pulled off John's shirt, sweatshirt and skinny jeans, helping John into one of Charles' hoodies, leaving the man in nothing but the baggy sweatshirt and his boxers. The two got under the covers of the bed, the taller man pulling John into his arms, hugging him close.

John frowned, resting his head on Charles' bare chest. "You know I love you right? I'm not trying to hide our relationship because I'm embarrassed to be with you, I just... I just don't want him to get mad or try to start a fight with you. I'm just nervous Charlie," John sighed, tracing shapes on Charles' arm. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, Johnny," Charles cooed, smiling softly. "I'm not going to try to pressure you any further, okay? You can tell him when you're ready," Charles pressed a kiss to John's forehead, holding his boyfriend tighter.

John bit his lip, looking up at Charles. "I'm going to tell him tomorrow," John decided, sounding sure and definite, even though he was hardly confident that he could do it.

"Baby are you sure?" Charles asked, giving John a look.

John looked down, he wasn't at all sure. He had absolutely no idea if he was ready, but he figured maybe if he just told himself he'd be ready, he would be.  So he nodded looking up at Charles.

"Of course I'm sure, why wouldn't I be?"

A/N: Part two should be out soon.

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