13. Madilton

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"Lexi?" James asked, leaning in the doorway of Alexander's study. The room was dark, only lit by the dim glow of Alexander's computer screen, in which was displaying a document Alexander was working on.

"Yes, baby?" Alexander said, his tone dripping with fatigue and sleepiness. He spun around in his office chair to look at James, who was clad in sweatpants and on of Alexander's shirts that draped loosely on his shoulders. He looked cute, and Alex had to fight the urge to close his writing then and there to get up and kiss James and carry him to bed. He didn't however, he just remained in his chair, waiting for him to respond.

James bit his lip, playing with the hem of the shirt. "I was wondering if maybe you could come to bed early tonight? It's cold in our room, and I want you to cuddle me and keep me warm," James requested, though his eyes widened as soon as he said it. "But you don't have to of course! I understand that you're working, and it's okay if you have to finish your writing before you come to bed. Never mind just forget I said anything at all," James and before rushing out of the room, disappearing from Alex's view.

"Oh Jemmy," Alex sighed, saving his paper before turning off his laptop, the only source of light in the room going out, leaving it in darkness. It didn't matter though, as Alex headed out of the room and up the stairs and into their bedroom. "Sweetheart, are you in here?" Alex saw a shift in the mound of blankets on the bed, which he assumed was James way of saying yes. Alexander smiled, pulling the blankets off of the bed, uncovering the now shivering James. "You cold?"

"Its frigid in here," James mumbled, smiling as Alexander's warm hands touched his skin. "You could've kept working, I wouldn't have minded."

"It's okay, darling. I have days to get that stuff done, besides, I couldn't leave you up here by yourself, you might freeze. Why don't we ever turn the heater on?" Alexander questioned as he got into bed beside James, pulling the blanket over them. His arms wrapped around James' waist, pulling him close.

"You said you work better in the cold, you always forget to turn on the heat at night," James chuckled, resting his head on Alexander's chest, already feeling warmer.

"I'm sorry, baby," James just hummed in response, smiling softly as he shut his eyes. "I love you, James."

"Love you too, Lexi."

A/N: I'm bored so here's a small Drabble.

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