Chapter 1: A New Arrival !

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"Really " Barry Squeeled  "what eles did I do when I came out of the prison ?" Barry asked laughing at Cisco's joke about his need for rhyming words

"Ohh You were on fire , it freaked me out a little bit  " Wally laughed , in response barry was sitting with her bear just grinning at all of them ..

"You said 'We Need More Diapers'"  and the best part was This House Is Bitchin " he burst out "I actually might have all of that in the camera footage from that day " he chuckled siping his bear

"Ohh I want to seee thatt " he said , eating his chips

"I dont know nything bout that , cuz I must look herrible in that .. You freaked everyone out " Iris held on to his hand ..

"Yeah , we were so worried  "  Caitlin pouted ..

"Aww You Guys " he opened his arms to let all of them in a hug but it wasnt possible so they just laughed and touched his shoulders ..

After a while of friendly moments at the bar , suddenly Cisco's crime allert started beeping

"Ohh robbery at 27th , CC Bank "
He said maping the allert down

"You guys got it.. right ,? I dont feel like fighting today " cisco yawned ..

" sure cisco " caitlin and iris stood up as wally and Barry ran off to the crime scene

"What where are you guys going ?" He asked

"To the Lab Cisco , They might need our help " said Caitlin

"You can rest up " iris smiled tapping his shoulder

"Ughh , I'll vibe you there.. " he mumbled making an annoyed face .. he put his bear down and they walled out of the bar .. and cisco vibed them to Star Labs ..

They quickly turned everything on , and tracked wally and Barry

"Barry he's escaping through 28th street , take you left you'll get there first " Iris instructed..

"He's gonna get there first even if he takes the longest road " cisco laughed , caitlin giggled at him ..

Meanwhile , in an Alley down at 28th street , A Girl in her Late Teenage Years ..  Laid Unconscious in a beautiful light pink dress , her Brown hair half braided with a tiara of flowers over her head , it clearly seemed like she was at a wedding , but what was she doing in an alley ..

The police sirens going on in the streets , woke her up , at first she thought she was just sleeping but as it dawned upon her that , she was not where she was supposed to be , it all came back to her , what had happen ..

She stood up , holding her head , she still had that stinging sensation as she touched it ..

"Where the hell am I ?" She said under her breath looking around , she didnt recognize anything .. she was confirm that she was in a different city , she walked forward fixing her hair , she reached at the corner of the alley , and saw lightning Red And Yellow going around , fright took over her , she hid in the corner for no one to see , she started panting remembering flash backs , of red and yellow lightning , fighting and going around her, she felt her teos going numb , she came back to her senses again , the lightning had stopped , she looked out again..

The police had bunch of guys arrested , and she could see the Back of two speedsters , one red and on yellow ... she knew one was the flash , it was tge other one she was scared of .. but why were they just standing , she thought , and that moment they both turned giving a highfive to each other .. 

"Wally " she whispered .. "in the Kid Flash Suit "  her eyes opened wide as she saw Wally West , Barry And Wally had done their job , so they flashed out to STAR Labs ..

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