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Hey guys!!

First of all, I would like to thank you for choosing my book to read. Y'all are awesome! This is my second book on this account! I also started another account with my best friend! The account is called TheBookTwins3000. Anyway, let's move on to the story.



     "I can't believe that this has happened again!" the police officer says.

Well, what do you expect? I think to myself.

I peer around the corner to see the police officer inspecting my new tag.  I suddenly move back to the corner as I see the police officer glance at my hiding spot.

I can't run away or else he'll chase after me I think to myself.

I suddenly hear footsteps approaching my hiding spot and hear the police officer yell out "Who's there?"

Come on Kara! Think! Think! I start to wildly look around for a way to escape when I spot it. My escape route! I start to silently run towards it and climb on the trash can. I then jump and grab onto the ledge of the roof and pull myself up. I've had plenty of experience in running now. As soon as I'm on the roof, I cover my face with my hoodie and break into a run. I hear the police office yell "No one's here!" as I disappear into the shadows.

I look behind me to see my tag disappear as I put distance between the police officers and myself. I jump down onto the street and start running to my house. As I make it to the orphanage house, I stop running and make my way to the back.

     I see my window and whistle a little tune. The signal for when I need something to climb up to my window. I see the lights turn on and the window to my bedroom open. One of my best friends' face, Riley pops out the window. I gesture for her to give me something to climb. She throws down a rope and I climb all the way to our window. As I climb inside, my legs burning from the run and my body aching as the rush of adrenaline leaves my body, Riley closes the window. I turn around smirking at her as she asks me a question with her eyes.

Did it go well? I see her ask.

I silently nod and go to the bathroom that we share to change clothes and hide my paints. When I come out I notice that the lights are already off and Riley is asleep on her bed. I climb into my bed and stare at the ceiling. Today was a close one. But there's no way I'll stop. My tags are art as well. Well, I better go to sleep, or else I won't wake up on time for school.

Goodnight  Kaylyn, I really miss you. I think of my deceased twin as I fall asleep.

After all, I do have school tomorrow.


Well, how was that?

Did you like the main character Kara?

I know that this a short update but I do have Writer's Block and I'm also extremely sick. I don't even know how I got out of bed this morning. But I did. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that this story might go somewhere. I guess that I'll just have to find out. Anyway, thank you so much for reading!

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(Bhumi Sukha) <————My real name!

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