Chapter 5: ¿Tú no hacer saber español?!

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Hey guys!
I'm so sorry I haven't update in a while... I've been kinda busy with summer work... so yea... I'm just gonna let you read now...

~Bhumi Sukha


"Ok first things first, do you even know anything to do with the language Spanish at all?" I ask Isaac.

"Umm... Hola?" he says back in the most american accent possible.

I just shake my head and put my forehead to the desk, repeatedly hitting my head on the desk.

"If you bang your head any harder, then you might just end up with a concussion." I hear Isaac say with a chuckle.

"I'd prefer it if my head starts bleeding along with the concussion. At least then I get out of helping you." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" I hear Isaac ask.

"Nothing." I say while sighing and pull my head up.

"Why did you even sign up for Spanish 3 in the first place if you don't know it at all?" I ask.

"They just gave me my schedule, I had no say in it." he replies.

"Well then during lunch, I'll just take you to the office and have that mistake fixed ok?" I offer.

"Ok, but who will you work with then?" he asks.

"I can handle myself."

"Now that you say that, I can see you as the independent type of gal." he says.

"Or I'm just an extreme introvert and I don't like to talk to people." I suggest.

"Well then why are you talking to me?" he asks.

"I said that I don't like talking to people. Doesn't mean that I can't talk to them at all. And who said that I like talking to you in the first place?" I reply.

"Well I just assumed-"

"Well, let me give you some advice. When it comes to me, do not just assume things." I reply with a cold voice.

He just nods. So I turn back to my textbook and start on the project. Isaac just sits quietly beside me as I work until the bell rings.

I quickly put my things into my backpack, shoulder it, and walk out of the room, saying goodbye to Mrs.Cronic with Isaac following behind me. I lean against the wall beside the door, waiting for the rest of my friends to tell them where I was going before I met up with them.

When Riley walks out, she jumps at seeing me. Then she finally noticed Isaac and looked at me with confusion and curiosity. I look at her clear blue eyes and see her asking me the question, 'Who is that and why are you hanging out with him?' I just look at her as if to say that I'll explain later. She finally understands the message I was trying to convey and subtly nods her head. I finally look away to see that Noah had seen the entire silent exchange between us.

"I'll meet up with you guys later. I have to go help him out." I say referring to everyone else who had finally come out of the room having a conversation among themselves.

They all stopped their conversation to stare at me and Isaac. Thankfully, before Adam made yet another fool out himself, Riley jumps in and saves us all.

"Ok, we'll see you later." she says cheerily and then grabs Noah's arm and starts walking away.

As she and Noah start walking away, everyone eventually stop staring at me and then start walking away as well. Adam, looked torn as to what to do. He finally stops to stare at my eyes as if to ask if I was ok.

I just subtly nod my head. He just shakes his head and runs after Riley and the rest of the gang yelling after them to wait up. As he runs away, I turn around to address Isaac.

"Let's go shall we?" I say.

I don't even wait for him to respond as I walk past him and lead him to the office. After a few steps, I hear his footsteps behind me. With that, I speed up my pace and keep leading him to the office.


I know that it was a small chapter!!
So please don't get mad at me!
I have a surprise for y'all anyway.
And don forget to please vote and comment on the book. It makes feel happy.
Well. Until next time!

~Bhumi Sukha

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