Chapter 2: Mini Karma & How She Came To Be

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Hey guys! I'm just gonna keep this short and say, thanks for coming back!


-Bhumi Sukha


"You know I can't tell you.", I say as I shut my locker door after grabbing the books I needed.

"And why not?" Dan asks.

"Because its a conversation not to be had in public.", I reply and everyone backs off.

They know what I'm talking about. Over the years I have made quite the name for myself. Too much of a name. Now I can hear people practically whispering about every move I make. There's also a rumor going around that the police are now officially looking for me. Though it's not a rumor. It's true. The police are after me and I need to stay low for awhile. But I can't help it. It's an urge I just have to give into. Or else it'll keep nagging me until I can't stand it anymore.

"Fine. We'll refrain from asking, until lunch.", says Lily.

"Which is exactly what I told you in the parking lot. But, I promise. I'll tell you at lunch. So meet me at the secret spot. Got it?" I ask everybody in a soft voice and everybody nods.

And just like that, we all go in different directions towards our first-period class. Luckily Riley and I have mostly similar classes.

On Blue Days, I have the same classes with Riley and on Gold Days, I have all AP classes. (A/N: In my school, we have this thing called Blue Days and Gold days. We have four blocks /classes each day. The classes on Blue days are different from the classes on Gold days. And each class is 1 hour and 30 mins. long! Just thought you should know!)

"Well, off to Calculus!" says Riley, with fake excitement.

"You know there's no need to sound soo excited." I say (note the sarcasm)

"Ha ha. Kara, you know how much I hate math!" Riley replies.

"Or everything involving school." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" I hear Riley ask.

"Nothing." I reply while walking into class.

I look around and spot Mr. Muñoz at his desk. I walk over to ask a question on the homework, when I bump into somebody and everything I was holding flies out of my hands.

"Watch it." I hear someone growl as I look up.

When I see his face, the first instinct I have is to say something back. That's when I feel Riley pull me up and whisper in my ear, "Remember, cover is everything." I slightly nod so that only Riley can see that I understand. I suddenly put on a scared face and repeatedly stutter my apologies as I bend down to pick everything up on the floor. When I look up I see that he's still there. That's when I notice that the person I walked into is no one other than Alexander Coldman. I tense up as I see him study me up and down. I don't know what it is about this kid, but I feel like he can see right through my facade easily. As he walks past me saying nothing, I suddenly remember that I have a question for the teacher and walk up to him. I quickly ask him my question and get the answer. As I turn around I hear Mr. Muñoz suddenly ask me something.

"Are you okay Kara?" he asks.

I turn around and see him looking at me worried.

"I-I'm ok." I reply and hurry back to my seat with Riley.

"Thanks for helping me keep my cool back there." I whisper as I sit down.

"No problem. We both know that you getting caught is not part of your plan." she says leaning back in her seat.

"Yeah, you're right." I reply smiling.

The plan. Our plan. The plan I made with Riley back when I first met her. I still remember that.

---~Flashback Begins~---

I still can't believe that I'm here. In I look around with disinterest at I drop my bag down on the bed that the lady said was mine.

"Huh, finally something exciting happens here." I hear someone say as I turn around quickly.

What I find is a girl my age.

"What are you here for?" I hear her ask.

I just shake my head and look out the window.

"So you don't want to say?" she asks again.

I just keep looking out the window.

'Oh, how I wish you were here with me right now Kaylyn.' I think to myself still staring out the window.

"Well, my name's Riley. What's your's?" I hear her ask.

I look at her again and I see her hand outstretched towards me asking for me to shake her hand. I look at her hand, then I look into her eyes. Her eyes are bright and green as an emerald. I finally, tentatively reach my hand out and shake her hand.

"Kara." I say softly, "Kara Scythe."

And just like that, in an orphanage, in a bedroom, two best friends were made.

"Well, what are ya gonna do when you get out of here?" Riley asks me all of a sudden.

"Hm?" I ask her looking at her.

"I mean everyone has some reason to get out of here." she says shyly looking away.

"What's your's?" she asks again looking at me.

"Well, I'm gonna finish school and get a good education in college. Then I'm gonna go get a job. A good one too." I say softly looking away.

I look back at Riley to see her already looking at me.Studying me with her bright blue eyes.

"Well then let's make a plan." She says all of a sudden.

"A plan?" I ask.

"Yeah, so that we don't stray away from our goals, to get out of this place.", she says, "Something we can focus on."

I think about it. I guess there's no harm there. I nod looking at her. Now we have a plan. A plan to get out of this hell hole.

---~Flashback Ends~---

I jump as I hear the bell ringing. The class is about to begin.

"Well, let's just get this over with." I hear Riley whisper to me as Mr. Muñoz makes his way to the front of the class to begin our lesson.

'Welp, here we go again.' I think to myself as Mr. Muñoz starts writing numbers to an equation on the board.


Well, how was it?

Sorry, I haven't updated in a while. I was busy....

Anyways, thanks for reading!!

Don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT!!

-Bhumi Sukha

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