Chapter 1: School.... Yay...

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Hey guys!! I'm baaack!!!! And I'm better than ever! I still have Writer's Block but there's nothing you can do about that right? Anyway, I'll stop wasting your time.

        I wake up to the sound of giggling. Not just any, but Kaylyn's giggles. I quickly jump out of bed and run to the door swinging it open trying to find my twin's voice. I hear her giggling again and see that it's coming from the living room. The old living room. Before the incident. I start to feel very nostalgic when I hear my twin's giggles and snap out of it. I rush into the living room to find Kaylyn's back turned towards me. I hear her giggle once more but as soon as I step foot into the living room, my sister's giggles go quiet.

"Kaylyn?" I whisper softly as I approach her, my bare feet barely making any noise on the cold wooden floor.

"Is that really you Kaylyn?" I ask again in a soft whisper.

As I'm in arms reach of my sister, my hand reaches out and touches her shoulder. Only for her to dissolve into feathers as I hear her scream "You abandoned me!!"

"I didn't!! I swear I didn't! I would never abandon you!!" I scream out loud.

I suddenly burst up waking to someone shaking me. I look around in a frenzy and see that it's just Riley shaking me awake. Probably from the reoccurring nightmare that has haunted me since I came here. I feel sweat drip down my face and see that I was sweating up a storm. But then I see the glass of water that I usually keep on my bedside table is empty. Weird, I don't remember drinking any water last night. I look up at Riley for an explanation, when I see the look of guilt cross her face.

"Sorry, you wouldn't wake up, so I thought that you would wake up when I poured water on you, but you kept screaming. I then just decided to keep shaking you until you woke up. I'm so sorry!"

I hear her apologize over and over again.

"It's ok." I croak out, my throat still sore from the screaming from the nightmare.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Uh...It's 6:30 am" Riley answers while staring at the clock we have in our bedroom.

It's not a digital clock but a traditional one. And Riley's not good at math so that tells you that.

"Ok, just enough time to get ready. I'll be 5 minutes!" I say as I rush into the bathroom and get ready for school.


As soon as I'm ready, I rush out of the bathroom, grab my backpack, and run down the stairs for a glass of juice. As soon as I'm done chugging down the orange juice, I grab my keys and run outside. I unlock my car and get in, Riley following after me to get into the passenger's seat. As soon as she closes the door, I'm off to school.

'Did I finish the project for Mr. Harper? What about Mr. Muñoz? I have a question for Mrs. P. Eh I'll just ask her after school.' I think to myself as I drive the 10-minute drive to school.

I'm constantly glancing at the clock, trying to make sure that we'll get there on time.

"Tardy bell is at 7:45 and it's 6:50 so I'm pretty sure that we'll make it." I say to reassure Riley.

But who am I kidding. Riley doesn't care about school, not as much as I do anyway.

"We'll make it so stop worrying will you?" I hear Riley ask a teeny bit annoyed.

"Anyway, how did it go last night?" I hear her ask excitedly.

"Will you calm down? You can wait until we get to school and when we're at lunch ok?

"I don't want to keep repeating the story over and over again." I reply to her question.

I glance over at her and see that she was pouting. It looks really weird with her lip ring, but who am I to judge? I think the lip ring fits her. But that pout definitely doesn't.

"And will you stop with the pouting? It looks really weird." I say as I see her pouting face drop instantly to reveal her 'I'm pissed face'.

It's when she has her eyes narrowed down at you in a glare and her lips are kinda frowning but kinda tight-lipped at the same time. Now imagine a girl with short blonde hair in a pixie cut and bangs swept to the side, her eyes are as green as bright emeralds and with skin as pale as a ghost. That's Riley. Now imagine her with her 'I'm pissed face'. Yeah, now you see what I deal with almost every single day of my life? I guess it doesn't matter since she was one of my first friends that I made when I arrived at Angels' Children Orphanage Home. And I'm not that much of a friendly person, or a people person in general, so this was sort of a big deal. Riley has that kind of personality that just distracts you from your own sorrows. I found it really helpful when I first came here and still do. I'm really thankful to have a friend like Riley. As we arrive at the school, I can already see my group of friends. And yes, before you can ask, they know my secret as well. As I pull up, I can see everybody except Aaron. Huh, that's weird. He's always here to try and scare the hell out of Riley. Wait, I think I know where he is. I get out of my car and look around and I see a little bit of blonde hair peeking out around the corner. As soon as Riley gets out of the car, we both grab our bags and I lock the car. Everybody surrounds me and start to ask questions about last night. I just say at lunch at our secret spot and start to discreetly direct the entire group towards Aaron's hiding spot. As we turn the corner, Aaron pops out of his hiding spot and yells, " BOO!" Everybody jumps and scream like little girls while  I burst out laughing.

"Oh man that was a good one." I say while highfiving Aaron.

"Anyway, we better get to class." I say and everyone groans.

Well, I guess I expected that.


Well... how was this chapter?
I'm sorry it took me longer than expected to update! Please don't come after me!
Anyway, don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT!!
- Bhumi Sukha!

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