Chapter 4: Spanish 3 Torture

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Hey guys! I'm back! Sorry that I haven't updated in a while.... I have absolutely no excuse for that one! I'll try my hardest to update better next time!



"¡Hola! ¿Cómo están ustedes?" Mrs. Cronic greets us as we walk into our classroom.

"¡Hola Señora Cronic! Estamos así así." I answer for all of us as we all have a seat close together.

"¿Están todos bien?" Mrs. Cronic asks us all again.

"Estamos bien, soló cansados por la escuela." I answer for all of us.

Mrs. Cronic just nods and turns around greeting the other students that have come into the classroom while we were talking. I pull out my binder and notebook for the class and turn around to find that Riley decided to sit with Noah. Leaving me with nobody to sit with. I just shrug it off and turn to watch the other students come into the classroom.

'I hope no one decides to sit with me.' I think to myself.

I'm ok around my friends, but with being an introvert comes with being ok in circumstances when you're all by yourself. And with that comes with not being comfortable around people you don't know. People in uncomfortable situations deal with the problem differently. Some shy away. Others just ignore the person. I on the other hand, tend to lash out. I can never get a hold of my anger, but Dragos finds that useful. Keeps me strong he says.

With the thought of Dragos, comes the reminder of the meeting later today. I shake my head and turn around as Mrs. Cronic walks up to the board and clears her throat to get our attention. I tune in to what she starts saying in fluent Spanish. As she starts to walk up to the board to give us more directions, I hear the doorknob being turned and the slight squeak of the door opening. I don't turn around since I'm lost in my notes, but the opening of the door doesn't go unnoticed to Mrs.Cronic as she turns around and exclaims,"Aha!"

"Sorry I'm late, I kinda got lost on my way here." I hear a very similar voice say.

I quickly pull my head out of my notes as I suddenly remember who the voice belongs to. I look at Mrs. Cronic and the new guy to see that they were having a silent exchange. I suddenly see Mrs. Cronic point in my direction and say something along the line of 'You can sit with Kara today.' With that, I see him look in my direction  and his eyes find mine. Dread starts to fill my stomach as I see his eyes light up in recognition and smile at me. My stomach officially drops down all the way to my feet as he makes his way towards me. I look back at my notes as Mrs. Cronic makes her way to the board again and continue on with her lesson. I hear the slight scape of the seat beside me, the slight thump of his backpack hitting the ground, and him sitting on the seat and pushing his chair in.

I feel him lean closer to me and whisper, "So your name is Kara."

I just ignore him and continue on with my notes.

"My name is Isaac." He whispers one more time.

Annoyance bubbles up in me and I try to keep my cool as I continue to write my notes.

"Hey, I'm sorry for bumping into you and if I did anything wrong to offend you, then I'm sorry." I hear him whisper once more.

With that last comment, I feel the annoyance dissipate a tiny bit, note, tiny bit.

With that, I turn to him and whisper, "You didn't do anything wrong, but I'd appreciate it if you back off a little ok?"

After that, I face Mrs. Cronic again and tune into her describing the new project that was just assigned. At the word project, everyone in the room just groans.

"Oh don't worry, this project is with partners." she says.

As soon as she said that, everyone cheers.

"But I'm assigning them." she continues.

Again everyone groans and complains, but Mrs. Cronic isn't moved as she picks up her roster and calls out names that are partnered for this project.

"Lucy and James."

'Please don't say Isaac.' I think to myself as she starts partnering everyone up.

"Riley and Noah."

'Lucky...' I think to myself as I glance at Riley and Noah.

And with that everyone's names are called out and one by one dread starts to fill my stomach.

"And... Kara and Isaac." says Mrs. Cronic finishing up her partnering.

As soon as she finishes saying Isaac's name, everyone's hands shoot up.

"No, you cannot switch partners." Mrs. Cronic says, answering everyone's question at the same time.

With that statement said, everyone groans and Mrs. Cronic gives us permission to start and work on our projects for the rest of class. I glance over at Riley and see that she's already staring at me with concern clearly written in her eyes. I just plaster on a smile to keep her from worrying and turn to Isaac, the smile slipping off.

'Well, this is going to be a long 3 weeks.' I think with dread as I pull out my Spanish 3 textbook to start our research.


I swear that I'll make up for lost time!

-Bhumi Sukha

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