I am a teenager..... Yes, I'm fifteen years old and no expert in giving advice cause it becomes lame when I myself don't follow them sometimes. This is just an ideal situation. I know I might not myself do it when it comes to me but at least the possibilities help me work up.
By the way, tomorrow is my biology exam and I'm still writing this stuff.
So, it is a real incident.
A month ago, well, it's more than a month now..... As a tradition of our school, we had a meet where teachers n children interact and enjoy. And yes, thank God no uniforms.... My class incharge selected me to participate in a debate which was to be held on that day but I wasn't planning on to go to school. I mean I'll admit it that I was a bit, okay a lot insecure cause let's be clear.... I'm no way near perfect.... But my mum and sister insisted that I should go and I didn't want to. And I cried..... Can you imagine?? I feel so lame about it, now that I think of it? But what I want to dwell on is the fact that I cared what other people will think about it? What my friends would say if I didn't look so good? What will the other girls think?
I will be embarrassed.......
So I decided that eff my debate.... I'm not going.... I'll explain to my teacher later..
So as I was listening to my favourite Taylor Swift music that night, a simple saying of my teacher popped into my mind.... I know it sounds super lame but it's true..... Clothes don't wear men, men wear clothes. I mean that's true..... And it gave me a badass attitude....
I didn't care about people have to say to me and I still don't.... What I care about is what I have to say to them.... And all I have to say is stop being so shallow.... But then again,who am I to tell anything to anyone? But the thing is just that...... Everyone has their own priorities.
To heck with your standards and .... Ooh she looks so pathetic..... I don't care cause guess what, you ain't Gigi Hadid yourself..... I mean I can't believe girls actually do that.... Not that I'm not a girl.... I am but I never did or never would do that to somebody else.
Listen girls
Don't do that..... We are a team. Why pull each other down? Be sisters and act like them.... I don't mean to sound philosophical although now that I say it.... It seem hypocritic but anyways..... What I mean to say is... Tell anything to the world with confidence and it'll believe it. Now if you'll say I saw aliens then you are crazy.....
Don't let your clothes overpower your personality..... Cause people ...we are one of a kind ( and now I'm marketing a stationary brand) let's respect each other and if some bimbos still don't understand it..... You know how to deal with that.... Right?
Moral of the story : I enjoyed that day alot and no one actually commented on anybody.... Or even if they did... At least I didn't come to know...
Tip : Nobody talks shit to me ..... Aka.... build a strong image for your self..... (It is my motto)
Love Yourself people .... Cause I love me....