Chapter 17

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Jamie's POV

I was walking on soft sand. The salty, cool ocean waves cascade on my ankles. It was dark, except for the light coming from the moon and reflecting off the water. Someone was with me, holding my right hand. A short girl with long brown hair, looking out into the ocean.

"I'm glad we snuck out," she suddenly says, still not turning her head to look at me. The voice was raspy and familiar. A voice I loved hearing. A voice that calmed my soul and made my cheeks turn the color of roses.

"Yeah," I agree, looking at down at my bare feet. The wet sand sinking in between my toes and leaving a footprint in the sand for the waves to wash away not moments later.

"Your hands are so soft," she says squeezing my right hand lightly. I raise my eyebrow, a bit confused about her sudden statement, but brush it off as a just some weird compliment.

"Thanks," I mumble. Who was this? I knew I'd seen her before? But where? Everything about her was so familiar. But why?

"Jamie?" she pipes up after what seemed like an eternity. "I have to go now." I look at her now purely confused. That's when I notice, her eyes. Brown. Or hazel. Wait now they're blue. Like mine.

"Wait, why?" I ask as she lets go of my hand. An empty feeling suddenly engulfs me and I'm tempted to reach back and grab her hand, but she notices and places her hands behind her back. She starts backing away, sinking into the ocean. "Bea?"

She doesn't stop.


Only her now brown eyes are visible.


She's gone.

I start freaking out. Why did she leave? Where was she going? Was I not important to her anymore?

It went blurry, I wasn't at the beach anymore. It was dark, but I could see faint outlines of a chair and other things I couldn't distinguish. I could hear my heart beating rapidly in my ears.

It went dark again and I was back at the beach. But this time, Bea was right in front of me smiling.

"Come with me," she smiled, reaching her hands out for me to grab. I hesitate to grab them, afraid she might leave me again, but pursue and place my hands into her's as she tucks a strand of my hair under my ear and gently pulls us back into the ocean.


"Jamie!" a voice calls out. My eyes shoot open and I'm immensely blinded by the sun's rays coming from the window, causing me to shut my eyes again. "Come on, sleepy head, we gotta leave soon." I open my eyes back up and am met with a serious looking Bea standing right above where I laid on the couch.

I roughly rub my eyes and yawn softly as I throw the blanket off of me and stretch. Where was I, again? I look around slightly confused at the different environment and remember where I am. And that today was the day. A rush of excitement and fear mix together as my brain, as it usually does, starts thinking up little scenarios of everything and anything that could potentially go wrong.

"Go get changed and get your stuff together. Breakfast should be ready by the time you're done," Bea instructs taking the blanket from me, folding it up neatly, and setting it on the arm of the couch. I slowly make my way up to Bea's room where my suitcase is, take out my clothes for today and toiletries I had to use, and go into the bathroom.

It smelt of violets and the curtains were decorated with leaves of all colors. A mini, white carpet lay near the sink with leaves decorated with it. The bathroom had a fall theme to it, which was weird because it was summer. Then again, fall is my favorite season.

I throw on a pair of black shorts and a comfortable t-shirt, going on with my regular morning routine. Brushing my teeth, doing my hair, washing and moisturizing my face to avoid the always dreaded pimples, and putting on a little bit of perfume so I don't smell bad. I take one last look in the mirror before taking out some mascara and powder and applying a little bit on. Taking one last look at myself, I gather all of the stuff and put my stuff away, taking my suitcase with me downstairs and putting it by the front door.

"Elliot! For God's sake, it's not that hard just pick one!" I hear Georgia's voice yell from the kitchen. I slowly walk in there, being cautious just to make sure I wasn't intruding on anything.

"Well, I don't know if I want blueberry or chocolate!" Elliot's voice shouts back.

I peer around the corner and see them fighting near the counter with a bag of chocolate chips, a bag of blueberries, and a box of pancake mix. Bea is looking in the fridge for something, looking as if she was trying to ignore the bickering going on behind her. I walk in with my hands hooked behind my back.

"Jamie!" Georgia bombs. I jump at her sudden rise in her voice, my hand resting on my chest in surprise. "Chocolate chips or blueberries?" My face goes red as I think quietly about which one I wanted. I already knew which one I wanted, but I didn't want to upset someone.

"C-chocolate chips?" I mumble. Georgia grabs the bag of chocolate chips and pours it into the bowl along with the pancake mix, milk, and a couple of eggs.

"See, Jamie knows what she's talking about," Georgia mumbles to Elliot as she turns off the mixer. Elliot stuck out his tongue and stomped over to the table, clearly annoyed, and I couldn't help but feel a little at fault. That's when I felt a hand pull my shoulder back forcefully.

"Ignore them," Bea whispers in my ear. I take a deep breath of air through my nose and let it out slowly following behind her as we made our way to the table to wait for our food.


"Is everyone ready to go?!" I hear Mrs. Miller yell from upstairs. I look up at the stairs from where I was standing patiently in the doorway waiting to leave for the airport. Next to me stood Georgia with her little suitcase. Bea was still in the bathroom and Elliot was nowhere to be found. It was already nine thirty, the plane left at ten thirty, and it was at least a forty-five-minute drive to the airport. Where we late? Yeah, probably. But, what did I know I'd never been on a plane before.


We were all sprinting into the airport determined to get to the plane in time. It was already ten forty and it would truly be a miracle if we got there in time.

"The 10:30 am flight to Orlando, Florida has been delayed due to maintenance issues," a lady announces over the intercom, just as we reach the gate. We all look at each other and groan realizing that all the hush and bustle was for nothing.


Hey! So, yeah I know this chapter is short and a little less descriptive than I would like but that is because the next chapter is where more of the action is at.

I'm sorry again for taking so long to update. I've been very busy and a little stressed and anxious lately.

Thank you to all of you for waiting so patiently.


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