Three; Suffering.

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is it the end for us..? I prepared myself for school, And walked to school alone.. I saw Taehyung walking alone too, I was too fast..

"Jihye.." He said

I ran faster cause thinking about him made me scared..
He walked faster and grabbed my wrist.

"Look.., I'm sor-" he said.

"A-accepted.., but please.., s-stay away from me."

"Why..?" he said.

"I-i just.., umm.. I don't know.. Please.." I said while walking away.

Kim Taehyung

great.. I made her fear me.. Why though.

aish, today is another day.

»in the school

"Taehyung.." Soojung said.

"What?" I answered coldy.

"I'm sorry.. I will not go too far.." Soojung said.


Wait what..? Did that words just slipped out of my mouth..? No it can't be.. I can't be replacing Jihye..

"It's still early huh, let's play serious this time." he said


"Basketball..?" he said

I nodded, Then saw Jihye with swollen eyes coming out from her classroom.
she must be crying in her class..
I saw a girl talking to her coldly while she has a sad face.

"Wait.. Soojung" I said as I took a few steps closer to them..

"Glad that you're staying away from Taehyung.." the girl said.

I saw her nodding as a tear of her's dropped, Maybe that's why...?
I grabbed Jihye's wrist..

"Are you okay..?"

"I told you to stay away from me... The past is the past.. You can't make me happy as the old Jihye is, I'm different. Stay away, And yes I am okay." she said while walking away.

She has her lunch with her but I saw her throwing the foods in the garbage.
this is all my fault, what if she dies..
No.. Taehyung you're overreacting.
She is suffering, I can't let her suffer.

»in the classroom.

I saw her napping as I could hear silent sounds of her.. She is crying.
I saw her simply wiping her face and she played with a scissor that was on her hands.. She then made cuts on her hands..

"Jihye! No!" I said loudly as the students stared at me..
while she ignored me and she continued, I snatched the scissors away from her..

"No.."she said.

"What do you mean by no?"

she ignored ne and continued napping, She really is suffering.. no

The bell rang as a sign for dismissal,
She took her bag and walked out in the classroom, I was holding the scissors she was playing with then saw blood on the scissors..

"You're depressed, aren't you?" I mumbled.

Kim Jihye

I went in my house and my parents saw my hands..

"Taehyung did this to you..? huh?" dad said while holding my hand..

"No I did this to myself.."

"Why..?" Mom asked.

"I don't know."

"Stay happy.. Jihye, you are precious yet you are hurting yourself.. here is your dinner.. why don't you eat..?" Mom said

"Thanks.. but I am full.." I said while I go in my room.


I went out to go to Mrs. Kim's house.

"What brings you here.. Mrs. Kim?" Taehyung said.

"Well.. I was wondering why Jihye has cuts and why she doesn't want to eat...even her favorite food.. even sweets."

"Ummm.. Well, I think a girl is trying to control her.. I mean I heard a conversation of them.. the girl said to stay away from me.. and I asked her what's wrong and Jihye said to stay away from her and she said that she is different from the past." Taehyung said.

"Thank you, Taetae.."

Kim Jihye

I'm so hungry.. but I want to die, let me die.. I don't deserve to live.
I cried and cried and saw a picture of me and Taehyung when we were young..

"I miss you, I miss the old you.. I am not falling for you...? right.. I love you.. The old you."

The End

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