Mike- Not Interested...

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Your POV

Of course, I was forced to go trick or treating with my brothers friends brother. I put on my costume and hopped in the car as he drove me down to the Wheeler's as he picked up his girl friend, leaving me behind with them.

"Your here." She said, I rolled my eyes, seeing my friend here with her small group of friends that I don't admire as much as she does. El stayed near Mike, I only came for her sake and that my brother dumped me here.

"Y/N, you came?" Mike said walking towards me, I walked in front of him further down the road. I don't dislike these boys just never had an interest in being their friends. I got candy going door to door, eventually letting the Will join me up front of the group as El stayed with Mike.

"El..." I said waiting for her, she walked up to me, dropping her bag of candy beside me, I looked her up and down, rolling my eyes before talking to her.

"Can we do something else? Go to the arcade or my house, I'm bored." I asked, she looked at everyone before answering me "No" my frown became more down, I walked up the road with Will to my house, even though I didn't feel like being alone, he will do.

"Y/N, wait up" Mike asked, running up beside me, I continued walking ignoring him not wanting to talk to him after what he did earlier.  He kept trying to get my attention but I wouldn't budge, he's slowly stealing my friend away from me.

"Mike, can't you see I don't care, leave me alone." I spat turning and facing him, he was set aback, before he reagianed him self and left in the other direction with his the boys and El. Will joined his gang as his orders from his brother.

I kicked a rock down the road, dragging my candy not caring anymore, can't this boy see I'm not interested. The streets lights turned on as the darkness over took Hawkins, the kids slowly started disapearing as it was getting late.

I felt a small breeze come as I turned down my road, seeing my house with halloween decorations and no kids at our house seeing at the bowl of candy was full, no one came. I did what any kid would do and dumped the bowl into my bag, unlocking the door of my house and walking in.

"I threw my candy on the floor by my shoes, grabbing a glass from the kitchen and drinking some milk. I plopped down on the couch, watching crap that was on soon falling asleep to the weird shows.

~~~~~Later That Night~~~~~

"Y/N? Y/N...." My eyes shot open as I nearly screamed seeing Mike in my house, creep. I sat up staring at him intensely showing him how mad I was at this point. He stayed queit before he walked in circles, i got up seeing the door locked still but the living room window opened.

"You broke in?" I said, he stared at me in thought before answering me.

"Technically yes, but think about how many times Steve comes to Nancy's window at night." I agreed with him on that but it doesn't make what he did right.

"Mike I'm not interested, what are you doing here?" I asked, expeacially since El isn't with him. He inched his way closer to me as I stuck my arm out so he couldn't come near me, why is he pushing his limits?

"I can see that but let me speak, please?" I crossed my arms waiting for him to start his lecture and for me to kick him outside and close the door.

"Go on, I don't have all night, Steve gets home soon." I stayed standing with my arms crossed watching him.

"I've been good friends with your friend, to get closer to you. You never came around, I've tried so many things, I played your friend,and now that I say it outloud I feel bad, but it was all to get to you."

"Your kidding, you played with my friends' emotions, dumped her to get close to me and you just think it;s all going to go away. And that you'll actually win-" I saw him come towards me, as he kissed me, his lips pressed agaisnt mine.

"Mike, that doesn't chnage anything..." This time it was my turn to fool him. As he opened his mouth to speak, I clung to him kissing him back, as I relaized he was kissing me. Before I knew it, I was pressed against the couch, with Mike beside me.

We kissed for awhile, I played with his hair as I felt his hands touch my face, that's when I relalized that maybe I wasn't playing him anymore...

"Mike..." I said, he kept kissing me in between us taking breaths for air. I pushed him off me, trying to get him off me, realizing this won't work.

"Y/N," He said in a low voice and out of breath,  I stood up seeing Steve's car pull into the lane. I grabbed Mike's hand, pushing him out the back door, I closed the door without further notice or instructions. Seeing Steve unlock the door and walk in.

"Y/N, what are you doing awake? It's 2 in the moring." He said, walking beside me. He took a minute to look me up and doen before he smiled giving me a hug.

"I love you y/n, but head to bed." Steve said, I knew he wasn't drunk but still caring. I say good night to him before I left up the stairs opening my door to my room and Mike standing in the bay window.

"Mike... I told you to leave." He hesistated before I let him come in my room, I turned the lights out. The darkness over took us, I slept close to Mike as He held onto me, not caring that Steve was in the house, because as if he hasn't done anything like this before.

"Y/N,  get up. You were dreaming again." I looked around to see myself covered in candy wrappers sprawled out on the couch.

*Sike it was dream. Lol I had to.*

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